To Work With Repositioning Wire Numbers

Scoot Wire Numbers

  1. Click Schematic tabEdit Components panelModify Components drop-downScoot. Find
  2. Select the wire number to slide along its connected wires or select the wire segment itself to scoot the entire wire, including the components, along the bus. You can scoot an entire rung up or down. A rectangle drawn in temporary graphics indicates the selected items.
  3. Move your cursor to the appropriate position and click your mouse button.

    The items scoot and reconnect.

Move a Wire Number

Moves an existing wire number to a selected location on the same wire network.

Select a location on the wire segment to define a new position for the wire number.

  1. Click Schematic tabEdit Wires/Wire Numbers panelMove Wire Number. Find
  2. Select the wire segment where you want the wire number repositioned. It is not required that you pick on the existing wire number first.

    The wire number automatically moves to the selected position.

Rotate a Wire Number

  1. Click Schematic tabEdit Components panelModify Attributes drop-downRotate Attribute. Find
  2. Select the wire number text to rotate 90 degrees from its current orientation.

    Each click the wire number text rotates it another 90 degrees counter-clockwise.

Move the Wire Number Text With an Attached Leader

Inserts, modifies, or collapses a leader on a selected wire number.

Pick directly on the wire number text, and then identify the new position. Right click or press Enter to exit the command.

  1. Click Schematic tab Insert Wires/Wire Numbers panelWire Number Leader drop-downWire Number Leader. Find
  2. Select the wire number text.
  3. Select the new position for the wire number. Right-click or press Enter to position the wire number.
    Note: You can type "C" at the command prompt to collapse the wire leader back to the wire number block. You can do it immediately after inserting a leader if you determine that you do not want the leader. Or, rerun the command if you want to remove the leader from existing wire numbers.

Move the Wire Number Text Without Use of a Leader

  1. Click Schematic tabEdit Components panelModify Attributes drop-downMove/Show Attribute. Find
  2. Select the attributes to move and press Enter.

    You can pick the components individually or by windowing. Each attribute highlights with a rectangular box drawn around it.

  3. Select the base and insertion points for the move. The attribute follows your cursor and is automatically moved to the selected position.

    The attributes remain tied to the parent block inserts.

Note: Avoid using the AutoCAD MOVE command to reposition a wire number. An AutoCAD Electrical toolset smart wire number is an invisible block with one visible wire number attribute associated with it. The X-Y insertion point of the block must physically lie on the wire segment. If it is forced off the segment during an AutoCAD MOVE command, then AutoCAD Electrical toolset no longer sees it linked to the wire. To use straight AutoCAD commands to reposition a wire number, use GRIPS to move the wire number attribute or any other attribute position editing command. You reposition the wire number attribute but not its underlying block insertion point.

Swap Wire Numbers

Swaps two wire numbers on separate wire networks.

Select the two wire networks, or pick the existing wire number text.

  1. Click Schematic tabEdit Wires/Wire Numbers panelModify Wire Numbers drop-downSwap. Find
  2. Select the first wire or number and then select the second wire or number.

    The wire numbers automatically switch positions.

Flip a Wire Number

Moves a selected wire number to the same position on the other side of the wire.

Select each wire number to flip.

  1. Click Schematic tabEdit Wires/Wire Numbers panelFlip Wire Number. Find
  2. Select the wire number to mirror.

    Each wire number selected is mirrored across its associated wire.

Tip: Use the Toggle Wire Number In-Line tool to move a wire number from above/below the wire to in-line. If the wire number is already in-line, the wire number moves to the position defined in the Drawing properties: wire numbers tab.

Toggle Wire Number Position

Switches a wire number between drawing properties above or below and in-line.

If the wire number you select is in-line, it switches to above or below based on the drawing properties. If it starts as above or below, the selected wire number switches to in-line.

Note: If there is not room for a wire number to become an in-line wire number, it remains an above or below line wire number.

  1. Click Schematic tabEdit Wires/Wire Numbers panelToggle Wire Number In-line. Find
  2. Select the wire number to toggle. You can select on the wire number or on the wire itself.
  3. Right-click to exit the command.
Tip: Use the Flip Wire Number tool to switch a wire number between above and below the wire.