To Manage Command Aliases

A command alias is an abbreviation of a command name, which you can enter at the Command prompt instead of entering the entire command name. Edit the Program Parameters (PGP) File to manage command aliases.

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Click Manage tab Customization panel Edit Aliases (flyout) Edit Aliases. Find
    • At the Command prompt, enter ai_editcustfile and press Enter. Then enter acad.pgp (AutoCAD) or acadlt.pgp (AutoCAD LT), and press Enter.
    • Note: The default PGP file can also be opened by launching File Explorer, and navigating to your user folder and then double-clicking the Application Data or AppData folder. Continue to navigate to Roaming\Autodesk\<product name>\<release>\<language>\Support. Double-click acad.pgp (or acadlt.pgp for AutoCAD LT) to edit the file. If prompted for an application to use, select NotePad.
  2. In the text editor, scroll to the bottom and add your new command aliases under the User Defined Command Aliases section.

    Note: If you want to replace an existing command alias, such as C to start the COPY command instead of the CIRCLE command, it is best to not change the existing command alias definition but rather to add a new entry under the User Defined Command Aliases section. The last definition is the one the product loads.
  3. Save the PGP file after you have made the desired changes.
  4. In AutoCAD or the AutoCAD-based product, at the Command prompt, enter reinit and press Enter.
  5. In the Re-initialization dialog box, click PGP file. Click OK.
  6. Test your new command alias and edit the PGP file as needed.
Mac OS
  1. Click Tools menu > Customize > Edit Command Aliases (PGP). (ALIASEDIT command)
  2. Do any of the following:
    • Click to add an alias.
    • Click to remove an alias.
    • Select an alias, right-click, and select Edit to change an existing alias.
    • Click Load to load a legacy .pgp file to add the custom aliases to the current list.
    • Click Reveal in Finder to locate the acaduser.pgp file if you want to copy the file to another computer.
  3. Click Apply to apply the changes and continue making changes or click OK to apply the changes and exit the dialog.
Note: Changes to the command aliases are saved to the acaduser.pgp file (or acadltuser.pgp for AutoCAD LT).