About Creating Command Aliases

A command alias is an abbreviation of a command name, which you can enter at the Command prompt instead of entering the entire command name.

For example, you can enter c instead of circle to start the CIRCLE command.

Note: A command alias is not the same as a keyboard shortcut, which is a combination of keystrokes, such as CTRL+S for SAVE.

The program parameters (PGP) file is used to store command alias definitions. You can change existing command aliases or add new ones.

A command alias has the following syntax:


Command alias that you enter at the Command prompt.


AutoCAD command name being abbreviated.

You must enter an asterisk (*) before the command name to identify the line as a command alias definition.

You can create command aliases that include the special hyphen (-) prefix, such as the following example, to access the version of a command that displays command prompts instead of a dialog box.

Note: You cannot use command aliases in script files, and they are not recommended for use in macros used by the user interface.

If you edit the PGP file while the program is running, use the RE-INIT system variable or RENIT command to reload the revised file (on Windows only). Restarting the program will automatically reload the PGP file.

AutoCorrect Entries and Synonyms

In addition to loading the aliases found in the default file, the product also loads the aliases defined in the following two files:

Note: It is not recommended to edit the AutoCorrectUserDB.pgp and acadSynonymsGlobalDB.pgp files directly.