To Override the Cut Plane

To display all the architectural and business system objects correctly, some designs require different cut planes and display ranges for AutoCAD MEP 2023 toolset objects as opposed to AutoCAD Architecture 2023 toolset objects.

Remember: See topic About Object-Specific Cut Planes for more information.

To apply cut plane overrides on the Display tab

  1. Switch to the desired workspace.
  2. Select Enable Display by Elevation in the Options dialog box.
  3. Select an object.
  4. Click Home tab Build panel Tools drop-down Properties .
  5. Under Object Display Properties, configure settings for the current configuration as follows:
    1. Select Yes for Above level override, and then specify a value for Above range.
    2. Select Yes for Cut height override, and then specify a value for Cut height.
    3. Select Yes for Below level override, and then specify a value for Below range.

    Some objects spanning multiple cut planes might include a Rise/Drop symbol on an elevation-based display component that is turned off, causing the object to be hidden. In those cases, you can override the cut plane for that particular object so that it appears in the drawing area.

To apply cut plane overrides in the Display Manager

  1. Select Enable Display by Elevation in the Options dialog box.
  2. Click Manage tab Style & Display panel Display Manager .
  3. Expand the Configurations folder.
  4. Select a display configuration from the list.
  5. Click the Cut Plane tab in the right pane.
  6. Apply the desired override for the display configurations that use this display representation.
    If you want to...  then... 
    define the visible range above the cut plane enter a value for Display Above Range.
    define the cut plane height enter a value for Cut Height.
    define the visible range below the cut plane enter a value for Display Below Range.

    The values you enter for the Above and Below ranges are not relative to the cut height. They are absolute height values calculated from the WCS origin. Therefore, the value that you enter for Display Above Range must be greater than the value that you enter for Cut Height. Invalid values will produce incorrect results.

    Note: The Calculate button on the Cut Plane tab is only available if you selected a project using Project Navigator and the current drawing is multi-story. It opens a Cut Plane dialog box that you use to set the cut plane height for objects at a specific level. Search the help for more information.