References to standard holes refer to selected properties that are unique to standard holes. The program typically uses them in hole charts and notes to annotate holes (Hole notes).
HOLE:CTANGLE Refers to the countersink angle of the hole. |
HOLE:CTDEPTH Refers to the counterbore depth of the hole. |
HOLE:CTDIA Refers to the counterbore or countersink diameter of the hole. |
HOLE:DEPTH Refers to the depth of the hole. |
HOLE:DESC Refers to the description of the hole. |
HOLE:DIA Refers to the diameter of the hole. |
HOLE:DRILLDIRECTION Refers to the drill direction of the hole in the unit vector format. For example, if the direction is parallel to the x-axis of WCS, contains a value of 1 0 0. |
HOLE:DRPNTANGLE Refers to the Pt' angle of a blind hole. |
HOLE:FITCLASS Refers to the fit class of the hole. |
HOLE:NOMINAL Refers to the nominal size of the hole. |
HOLE:PITCH Refers to the thread pitch of the hole. |
HOLE:PITCHDESC Refers to the description of the thread pitch of the hole. |
HOLE:STD Refers to a string indicating the standard of the hole. |
HOLE:TAPDEPTH Refers to the tap depth of the hole. |
HOLE:TAPDRILLDIA Refers to the tap drill diameter of the hole. |
HOLE:TAPMAJDIA Refers to the taper major diameter value of a tapered hole. |
HOLE:TAPMINDIA Refers to the taper minor diameter value of a tapered hole. |
HOLE:TAPPED Refers to a numeric value that indicates the type of tap used for a hole.
HOLE:TERMINATION Refers to a numeric value that indicates the type of termination of a hole.
HOLE:UNITS Refers to a numeric value that indicates the type of units of the hole
STDP:AMBOREDEPTH Refers to depth of the hole. |
STDP:AMBOREDIA Refers to the diameter of the bore hole. |
STDP:AMCBOREDEPTH Refers to the counterbore depth of the hole. |
STDP:AMCBOREDIA Refers to the counterbore diameter of the hole. |
STDP:AMCSNKDIA Refers to the countersink depth of the hole. |
STDP:AMCSNKANGLE Refers to the countersink angle of the hole. |
STDP:AMTHREADDEPTH Refers to the depth of the thread hole. |
STDP:AMTHREADDIA Refers to the diameter of the thread hole. |
Formulas in... | Yes/No |
Notes (Created with AMNOTE) | Yes |
BOM/Parts list columns | No |
Balloons | No |
Hole chart columns | Yes |
Hole chart table titles | No |
Detail view labels | No |
Annotation View labels | No |
Section line labels | No |