Refers to the properties of a hole chart as well as each row of the hole chart. These references can be use within hole charts and hole tables only.
Diameter Refers to the value of the diameter of the hole in the row under consideration. |
DefaultTitle Refers to the default name title that the system gives to a hole chart. |
Description If you use the reference in a hole chart row, it refers to the description of the hole in the row under consideration. If you use the reference in a hole chart title, it refers to the description of the hole chart. |
HoleIndex Refers to the ordinal position of the hole in the row under consideration, in relation to other holes of the same size. |
HoleItem Refers to the Hole size identifier of the hole in the row under consideration, as used in the ANSI standard. |
Item Refers to the Item number that the program assigns automatically to the hole in the row under consideration, when you create the hole. |
Index Refers to the row number of the hole in the row under consideration, in the current sort order. |
Label Refers to the Hole Label of the hole in the row under consideration. |
Origin Refers to the name of the origin. |
ParentOrigin Refers to the coordinates of the master origin, in the case of a nested hole chart. |
PolarAngle Refers to the value of the angular coordinate of the center of the hole in the row under consideration (in polar coordinates). |
PolarRadius Refers to the value of the radial coordinate of the center of the hole in the row under consideration (in polar coordinates). |
UserItem Refers to the value of the user-defined item number of the hole in the row under consideration. |
X Refers to the X coordinate of the center of the hole in the row under consideration (in cartesian coordinates). |
Y Refers to the Y coordinate of the center of the hole in the row under consideration (in cartesian coordinates). |
Formulas in... | Yes/No |
Notes (Created with AMNOTE) | No |
BOM/Parts list columns | No |
Balloons | No |
Hole chart columns | Yes. You cannot use DefaultTitle within columns. |
Hole chart table titles | Only Parent Origin, Origin, Description, and DefaultTitle |
Detail view labels | No |
Annotation View labels | No |
Section line labels | No |