The following table lists the profile-related Autodesk Civil 3D commands and briefly describes their functionality.
Command |
Description |
AddCrossingsProfile |
Adds crossings to profile views to identify where linear objects cross the profile relative to the parent alignment |
AddProfilePVI |
AddProfileViewDepthLbl |
AddProfileViewLabels |
AddProfileViewStaElevLbl |
C3D_BestFitProfile |
CreateMultipleProfileView |
CreateProfileFromCorridor |
CreateProfileFromFile |
CreateProfileFromSurface |
CreateProfileLayout |
CreateProfileReference |
CreateProfileView |
CreateProfileViewStyle |
CreateQuickProfile |
DeleteProfilePVI |
DesignCriteriaEditor |
EditProfileLabels |
EditProfileLayout |
EditProfileProperties |
EditProfileViewStyle |
EditProjectionStyle |
Edits the style of a crossing object or a projected object in a profile view |
ProjectionObjectProperties |
Edits the properties of a crossing object or a projected object in a profile view |
ProjectObjectsToProf |
RemoveFromProfileView |
SuperimposeProfile |