To Work With Deleting View Frames and View Frame Groups

You can delete a view frame in a view frame group. Or you can delete all view frames within a view frame group by deleting the entire view frame group in Prospector.

Note: If you explode one or more view frames or match lines, all view frames and match lines in that view frame group are exploded, and the following objects are deleted: view frames, match lines, view frame group.

To delete a single view frame

To delete a view frame group

Deleting a view frame group also deletes all view frames, match lines, and labels associated with that view frame group.

When you delete a view frame group, any sheets and/or sheet sets that may have already been created by the view frame group are not affected.

  1. Click a view frame in the group. Click View Frame tabModify View Frame panelDelete Group Find.
  2. The view frame group, and all view frame and match line objects belonging to it, are removed from the View Frame Groups collection on the Prospector tab. The view frames and match lines are automatically removed from the drawing.