User Point Database Format Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to view or edit the properties of a user point database format, which is used to import points from or export points to a Microsoft® Access database (.mdb) file.

File Information

Format Name

Specifies the name of the user point database format. This name appears in the Point File Formats list in the Settings tree. Enter a name.

Table Name

Specifies which table within the Microsoft Access file contains point data. Used when a Microsoft Access point database contains multiple tables.

In the Table Name list, click the table in the Microsoft Access file that you want to use. If you do not see any table names listed, then click the Load button to load the .mdb file or enter the name of the table you want to use.

Coordinate Zone Transform

For more information, see About Point File Formats.

Coordinate Zone Transform

Indicates that the format references a coordinate zone.

Select Zone

Opens the Select Coordinate Zone dialog box.

Format Column Names

Column Headings or <unused>

Opens the Point File Formats - Select Column Name dialog box. Click an <unused> column heading to assign a column name to the column.

Note: Drag a column heading horizontally to quickly change the column order.



Opens the Select Source File dialog box where you can load and view a Microsoft® Access file for reference.