To Perform a Surface Analysis

  1. In Toolspace, on the Settings tab, right-click the Surface Styles collection and click New.
  2. In the Surface Style dialog box, click the Information tab and assign a name and description to the style.
  3. Click the Analysis tab and modify the properties as required.
  4. For contour analysis, to modify the default analysis values, click the Contours tab and modify the Contour Ranges property group as well as the Major and Minor display settings.
  5. For watershed analysis, click the Watersheds tab and modify the properties as required.
  6. Click the Display tab and modify the display settings so that the analysis is displayed correctly.
  7. Click OK to save the style and close the Surface Style dialog box.
  8. In Toolspace, on the Prospector tab, expand the Surfaces collection, right-click the surface for which you want to create an analysis, and click Properties.
  9. In the Surface Properties dialog box, click the Analysis tab and select the analysis that you want from the Analysis Type list.
    Note: The Analysis tab displays varying fields and options depending on the type of analysis that you select.
  10. Optionally, select a legend style.
  11. Modify the range or watershed parameters as required and click to generate the analysis.
  12. Optionally, modify the details of the analysis by editing the fields in the Details table. For more information, see the Analysis tab.

Tutorial Exercise: Generating a Watershed Analysis