To Work With Sample Lines

To create a perpendicular sample line, of a specified swath width, across an alignment at a specified station

  1. Click Home tabProfile & Section Views panelSample Lines Find.

    The cursor changes to pick mode. You are prompted to select an alignment.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • Press Enter to select from a list of alignments.
    • In the drawing, click the desired horizontal alignment.

    For information about creating an alignment, see About Creating Alignments.

  3. Specify a sample line group. A sample line must belong to a sample line group. Do one of the following:
    • If this is the first sample line group you are creating in the drawing, the Create/Edit Sample Line Group dialog box is automatically displayed. Review the default styles. Change them if necessary. Click OK.
    • If a sample line group already exists in the drawing, the Sample Line Tools toolbar is displayed. To assign a sample line group to the sample line, select the sample line group in the list.

    The cursor changes to station pick mode (default). You are prompted to select a station.

  4. Do one of the following:
    • At the command line, specify a station by entering the desired station value.
    • In the drawing, use the cursor tooltip to find the station along the alignment. Click the station.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • At the command line, enter the left swath width. Press Enter.
    • In the drawing, at the desired distance, click the first point, which defines the start of the left swath width. Click the second point, which defines the end of the left swath width (that is, the length).
  6. Do one of the following:
    • At the command line, enter the right swath width. Press Enter.
    • In the drawing, at the desired distance, click the first point, which defines the start of the right swath width. Click the second point, which defines the end of the right swath width (that is, the length).
  7. Right-click to end the By Stations mode.

    Depending on the sample line style, a line is drawn perpendicular across the alignment at the specified location and length. This sample line represents the section.

Note: For left and right swath widths, you can attach an alignment, such as a right-of-way alignment. This enables you to define variable sample line widths. If you later use the Edit Swath Widths for Group tool on the Sample Line Tools toolbar, all sample line widths will be extended or trimmed to the group’s widths.

To create perpendicular sample lines, by a range of stations, across an alignment at specified station intervals

  1. Click Home tabProfile & Section Views panelSample Lines Find.

    The cursor changes to pick mode. You are prompted to select an alignment.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • Press Enter to select from a list of alignments.
    • In the drawing, click the desired horizontal alignment.

    For information about creating an alignment, see About Creating Alignments.

  3. Specify a sample line group. A sample line must belong to a sample line group. Do one of the following:
    • If this is the first sample line group you are creating in the drawing, the Create/Edit Sample Line Group dialog box is automatically displayed. Review the default styles. Change them if necessary. Click OK.
    • If a sample line group already exists in the drawing, the Sample Line Tools toolbar is displayed. To assign a sample line group to the sample line, select the desired sample line group in the list.

    The cursor changes to station pick mode (default). You are prompted to select a station.

  4. On the Sample Line Tools toolbar, in the sample line create method list, click , which selects By Station Range.

    The Create Sample Lines - By Station Range dialog box is displayed.

  5. Review the default settings. Change them if necessary. Click OK. Note that the station range defaults to the entire length of the alignment.

    Depending on the sample line style, sample lines are drawn along the alignment, cutting across the alignment at the specified intervals. These sample lines represent the sections.

To create a sample line or multi-segment sample line by picking points on-screen

  1. Click Home tabProfile & Section Views panelSample Lines Find.

    The cursor changes to pick mode. You are prompted to select an alignment.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • Press Enter to select from a list of alignments.
    • In the drawing, click the desired horizontal alignment.

    For more information about creating an alignment, see About Creating Alignments.

  3. Specify a sample line group. A sample line must belong to a sample line group. Do one of the following:
    • If this is the first sample line group you are creating in the drawing, the Create/Edit Sample Line Group dialog box is automatically displayed. Review the default styles. Change them if necessary. Click OK.
    • If a sample line group already exists in the drawing, the Sample Line Tools toolbar is displayed. To assign a sample line group to the sample line, select the sample line group in the list.

    The cursor changes to station pick mode (default). You are prompted to select a station.

  4. On the Sample Line Tools toolbar, in the sample line create method list, click , which selects Pick Points On Screen. You are prompted to select a start point.
  5. In the drawing, use the cursor tooltip to find the start point. Click the start point.
  6. Do one of the following:
    • In the drawing, click an end point on the opposite side of the alignment. Finish the pick point session by right-clicking. Press Enter.
    • In the drawing, click one or more points to define the sample line (section) with the final end point on the opposite side of the alignment from the start point. Note that if the final end point is not on the opposite side of the alignment from the start point, the sample line is interpolated to attach to the centerline of the alignment.
  7. Do one of the following:
    • Continue picking points on screen to draw more sample lines.
    • Right-click to end the Pick Points On Screen mode.
    Note: When you create a sample line that is located between corridor stations, the data shown in the section is interpolated between the preceding and succeeding stations.

    Depending on the sample line style, a line or multi-segment line is drawn across the alignment that represents the section.

To create perpendicular sample lines across an alignment at specified corridor stations

  1. Click Home tabProfile & Section Views panelSample Lines Find.

    The cursor changes to pick mode. you are prompted to select an alignment.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • Press Enter to select from a list of alignments.
    • In the drawing, click the desired horizontal alignment.

    For more information about creating an alignment, see About Creating Alignments.

  3. Specify a sample line group. A sample line must belong to a sample line group. Do one of the following:
    • If this is the first sample line group you are creating in the drawing, the Create/Edit Sample Line Group dialog box is displayed. Review the default styles. Change them if necessary. Click OK.
    • If a sample line group already exists in the drawing, the Sample Line Tools toolbar is displayed. To assign a sample line group to the sample line, select the desired sample line group in the list.

    The cursor changes to station pick mode (default). You are prompted to select a station.

  4. On the Sample Line Tools toolbar, in the sample line create method list, click to select From Corridor Stations.

    The Create Sample Lines - From Corridor Stations dialog box is displayed.

    Note: If you do not have any corridors defined based on the selected alignment, then this command will be inactive.
  5. Review the default settings. Change them if necessary. Click OK. Note that the station range defaults to the entire length of the alignment.

    Depending on the sample line style, sample lines are drawn along the alignment, cutting across the alignment at the specified corridor stations. These sample lines represent the corridor sections.