Plot and Publish Tab (Options Dialog Box)

Controls options related to plotting and publishing.

Default Plot Settings For New Drawings

Controls default plotting settings for new drawings or drawings created in AutoCAD Release 14 or earlier that have never been saved in AutoCAD 2000 or later format.

Use As Default Output Device

Sets the default output device for new drawings and for drawings created in AutoCAD Release 14 or earlier that have never been saved in AutoCAD 2000 or later format. The list displays any plotter configuration files (PC3) found in the plotter configuration search path and any system printers that are configured in the system.

Use Last Successful Plot Settings

Sets the plotting settings to match those of the last successful plot.

Add or Configure Plotters

Displays the Plotter Manager (a Windows system window).

Plot To File

Specifies the default location for plot to file operations. You can enter a location or click the [...] button to specify a new location.

Background Processing Options

Specifies options for background plotting and publishing. You can use background plotting to start a job you are plotting or publishing and immediately return to work on the drawing while your job is plotted or published as you work.

Background plot and publish details are available through the Plot and Publish status bar icon shortcut menu.

You can plot or publish jobs in the background even if AutoCAD is not running by entering acad /pl <DSD file name> at the Windows Command Prompt.

Enable Background Plotting When

Specifies whether or not background plotting is turned on for plotting and publishing.

  • Plotting: Specifies that plot jobs are processed in the background.
  • Publishing: Specifies that published jobs are processed in the background.

Plot and Publish Log File

Controls options for saving a plot and publish log file as a comma-separated value (CSV) file that can be viewed in a spreadsheet program.

This log file contains information about plot and publish jobs such as:

Automatically Save Plot and Publish Log

Specifies that a log file that contains information about all plot and publish jobs is automatically saved.

Save One Continuous Plot Log

Specifies that a single log file that contains information about all plot and publish jobs is automatically saved.

Save One Log File Per Plot

Specifies that a separate log file is created for each plot and publish job.

General Plot Options

Controls options that relate to the general plotting environment, including paper size settings, system printer alert behavior, and OLE objects.

Keep the Layout Paper Size If Possible

Uses the paper size specified in the Page Setup dialog box as long as the selected output device can plot to this paper size. If the selected output device cannot plot to this paper size, AutoCAD displays a warning message and uses the paper size specified either in the plotter configuration file (PC3) or in the default system settings if the output device is a system printer.

Use the Plot Device Paper Size

Uses the paper size specified either in the plotter configuration file (PC3) or in the default system settings if the output device is a system printer.

System Printer Spool Alert

Controls whether you are alerted when the plotted drawing is spooled through a system printer because of an input or output port conflict.

  • Always Alert (And Log Errors): Alerts you and always logs an error when the plotted drawing spools through a system printer.
  • Alert First Time Only (And Log Errors): Alerts you once and always logs an error when the plotted drawing spools through a system printer.
  • Never Alert (And Log First Error): Never alerts you and logs only the first error when the plotted drawing spools through a system printer.
  • Never Alert (Do Not Log Errors): Never alerts you or logs an error when the plotted drawing spools through a system printer.
OLE Plot Quality

Determines the quality of plotted OLE objects. The options are Monochrome, Low Graphics, High Graphics, and Automatically Select. The automatic option assigns a plot quality setting based on the type of OLE object.

Use OLE Application When Plotting OLE Objects

Launches the application used to create the OLE object when plotting a drawing with OLE objects. You can use this option to optimize the quality of plotted OLE objects. This setting is saved in the drawing.

Hide System Printer

Controls whether Windows system printers are displayed in the Plot and Page Setup dialog boxes. This option hides standard Windows system printers only. It does not hide Windows system printers that have been configured using the Add-a-Plotter wizard.

You can control the size of the list of devices in the Plot and Page Setup dialog boxes by moving a device's PC3 file out of the Plotters folder and its subfolders.

Specify Plot Offset Relative To

Specifies whether the offset of the plot area is from the lower-left corner of the printable area or from the edge of the paper.

Printable Area

Specifies that the plot offset is relative to the printable area.

Edge of Paper

Specifies that the plot offset is relative to the edge of the paper.

Plot Stamp Settings

Opens the Plot Stamp dialog box.

Plot Style Table Settings

Opens the Plot Style Table Settings dialog box.