You can obtain the area, perimeter, and mass properties defined by selected objects or a sequence of points.
You can measure an arbitrary closed region defined by the points you specify. The points must lie on a plane parallel to the XY plane of the current UCS.
You can analyze 3D solids and 2D regions for their mass properties including volume, area, moments of inertia, center of gravity, and so on. In addition, the result of the computations can be saved to a text file.
You can calculate the enclosed area and perimeter or circumference of circles, ellipses, polylines, polygons, regions, and 3D solids. The displayed information differs according to the type of object you select.
The area displays in the current units format.
The first and last points connect to form a closed area. The area and perimeter display in the current units format.
A text window displays the mass properties and then asks if you want to write the properties to a text file.