Improvements to the Output tables, better Duplicate under cursor, and reframe on animation channels.
Indicates a feature suggested and voted up by users on the
Flame Feedback portal.
The Duplicate (Ctrl+D) keyboard shortcut now adds the duplicated node under the cursor.
Whenever you select a node in the Action or GMask Tracer schematic, the Animation view now frames the node's channels.
The Output table in the Action and GMask Tracer nodes is now easier to use with the following changes.
Render Outputs. You can now reorder the Outputs of an Action or GMask Tracer node. To reorder the Outputs, use the arrows of the Render Layers table.
This is only available to Action and GMask Tracer nodes created in a Batch or Master Keyer schematic.
Rename Outputs. You can now rename an output directly in the Output table, without having to first click Rename.
Scroll with Mouse Wheel or Trackpad. You can now use the mouse wheel or the trackpad to scroll the Output and Renders Passes lists.
Add Outputs. Nodes no longer change position in the Batch and Master Keyer schematic when you add or remove an output or render pass.