Directory python_utilities now contains samples and scripts, more control over custom actions in contextual menus, directories as arguments, changes to flame.batch.create_group(), and now functions and attributes.
Indicates a feature suggested and voted up by users on the Flame Feedback portal.
The new directory /opt/Autodesk/<version>/python_utilities replaces the old /opt/Autodesk/<version>/python_examples directory. It contains a scripts directory for useful custom actions, and an examples directory for examples of python API uses.
You now have more control over the placement of custom actions in contextual menus.
You can now place custom actions at the first level of a contextual menu or inside a submenu hierarchy.
You can now set the order attribute on a submenu or an action set the order in which they are displayed. Custom actions that do not have an order attribute are sorted alphabetically.
Use the separator attribute to add a separator between custom actions or submenus. Make sure to set the above or below attribute for each separator.
/opt/Autodesk/<version>/python_utilities/examples contains an example of the new custom actions menu structure.
You can now pass a directory as an argument to flame.import_clips().
You no longer have to set the duration argument for the flame.batch.create_group() function.
The following are new attributes and functions available in Flame Family 2023.2:
For more information, see Flame Family Python API.