To Author Building Components

Specify the OmniClass category, model properties, and orientation for the exported BIM content.

Note: OmniClass is a widely used North-American Market Standard therefore all information are provided in English only.
  1. On the ribbon, click Environments tab Begin panel BIM Content.
  2. Simplify the model using Simplify and Representations.
  3. On the ribbon, click BIM Content tab Manage panel Author Building Components .
  4. Orientation:
    • Select a UCS from the Named UCS drop-down. The drop-down contains the Model Origin, ViewCube, and any user-defined UCS from the model. As the default, the Inventor ViewCube uses a Y-up vector orientation making the Front ViewCube plane parallel to the XY plane. If the exported model is to be used with Revit, you will want to create and use a UCS with the Z vector up. Learn how to create a custom user Coordinate System (UCS).
    • The ViewCube origin and model origin are the same by default, but sometimes differ. To modify the ViewCube origin, click the triad sphere. The triad follows the cursor. Click a model vertex and, if prompted, click a vertex to specify the X direction and another vertex to specify the Y direction.
  5. Component Type:
    Inventor and Revit use OmniClass 2006 classifications as their default. You can change to OmniClass 2012 if needed. For instructions on changing the source xml file see To Change the OmniClass source.
    Note: The ADSK file format does not support OmniClass 2012 classifications.
    • Click the OmniClass Number and Name browse button to display the OmniClass Product Classification table.

    • The OmniClass categories are listed by number and title, with the matching Revit Category, and AME MvPart type.
      Note: To hide the Revit and AME columns, use the table context menu and clear the column you want to hide.
    • Enter a Search for phrase to limit the list of numbers and titles to those matching the phrase. Further refine the search criteria by selecting an entry in the Look in list.

  6. Component Properties:
    • Enter values for the properties in the appropriate fields. The properties list varies by component type.

      Specify a Revit Family Type Name.

      If you want to export model properties, check Model Property.

      Click the Model Property Filter button to display the dialog box and included properties. You can modify the list.

      If a property field matches a model property (iProperty), that field displays with a cyan background and the model property value is used by default. You can override the model property value by entering a new value. When you override a value, the font and border of the entry box display blue.

      To return an overridden value back to the model property value, right-click in the entry box, and click Static Value to clear the check mark.

  7. Click OK.