Work in the cable and harness library

Add, copy, delete, view, and edit definitions in the cable and harness library.

Add a definition to the library

Use the New command in the Cable & Harness Library to add a new library definition, such as a wire, cable, raw wire cable, splice or other definition type including a user-defined definition. You can group the new definition into existing categories or categories you create, if needed. Other optional properties can also be set, along with any custom properties you need. Click here to learn how to create new library definitions.

Copy definitions from cable and harness library

Use the Copy command in the Cable & Harness Library dialog box to duplicate a selected library definition. All library definition properties for that object, except the library object's name, are inherited by the new library object.

The new library object is listed in the dialog box with the default name, which is <Original Name> Copy. Edit the library object to change the name, if needed. To change the name or any other property or property value, edit the object using Edit in the Cable & Harness Library dialog box.

  1. On the ribbon, click Cable and Harness tab Manage panel Library .
  2. Click the arrow to select the object type to copy.
  3. From the list of objects, click the object to copy.
  4. Click Copy in the dialog box.

    You can also right-click the object name in the list, and then select Copy from the context menu.

A new harness object definition appears in the Cable & Harness Library dialog box list along with the other objects of that type.

Delete definitions from cable and harness library

Use the Delete command in the Cable & Harness Library dialog box to remove a definition from the library. Library wires that are used in a cable cannot be deleted.

If the deleted harness object is already placed in an assembly, the related occurrences are not deleted, and the default library definition is used. If a deleted cable is already placed, the related cable occurrences are not deleted, and the data is stored with the cable occurrence. A dialog box appears listing which harness object types are missing when the Cable & Harness Library dialog box is closed.

  1. On the ribbon, click Cable and Harness tab Manage panel Library .
  2. Click the arrow to select the library object type to delete such as cables, wires, virtual parts, splices, and ribbon cables.
  3. From the list of library objects in the Cable & Harness Library dialog box, select the library object to delete, and then click Delete .

    Alternatively, you can use the Delete key or right-click the object, and then select Delete from the context menu.

  4. A confirmation dialog box prompts you to confirm the deletion.
    • To delete the specified object and continue, answer Yes.
    • To end the operation without deleting the object, answer No.
Note: To restore the connection of a cable occurrence to a library cable in the Cable and Harness Library, delete the cable occurrence with the bad reference, and then add the cable occurrence again using a different library cable.

View and edit definitions in cable and harness library

Use the Cable & Harness Library to view and change library-level properties on any library definition listed in the Library. Both general and custom properties can be added, changed, or deleted.

  1. Double-click the harness subassembly that contains the library objects to edit.
  2. On the ribbon, click Cable and Harness tab Manage panel Library .
  3. From the Cable & Harness Library dialog box click the arrow to select the type of object to change, such as a wire or virtual part.
  4. In the list of objects, navigate to and select the library object to edit. To select, double-click the object, or select the object, and then click Edit . You can also select Edit from the Cable & Harness Library context menu.
  5. Use the property tabs to make the necessary changes.
  6. Click Apply to continue editing that library definition or click OK to finish.
  7. Click Save, and then Close, or click Cancel to exit without saving changes.
Note: The default library definitions cannot be modified.

Locate the cable and harness library file

Use the File Locations tab on the Harness Settings dialog box to locate the cable and harness library file. You can set a different cable and harness library file and location for each harness assembly, if needed. If the Cable and Harness Library is accessed by multiple users, it must be placed in a shared location, such as on a server for all harness assemblies to reference.

If the file location or name is changed, you must click the Update command or click OK to load the library.

  1. Double-click the harness assembly that references the cable and harness library file or location to change.
  2. In the browser, right-click the harness assembly, and then select Harness Settings.
  3. In the Harness Settings dialog box, click the File Locations tab.
  4. Clear Use the Project's Design Data Location check box, then browse to and select the needed file.
  5. Click OK to load that library.
  6. To create a new, empty cable and harness library, enter a new file name, click OK and then select Yes to create the new file.
Note: By default the file is named Cable&HarnessDefaultLibrary.iwl and is located in:

Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems:

  • Users\Public\Public Documents\Autodesk\Inventor [version]\Design Data\Cable & Harness.

Click File Options to access the Application Options dialog, and click File tab to change the location for the project's Design Data.