About creating wires

Wire occurrences are created by selecting a library wire type and indicating the pins that the wire is connected to in the context of the assembly. You can place wires manually by selecting pins or automatically by importing a wire list. When a wire is placed, it exists as a point to point connection between the pins to which it is attached with a slight curve as it approaches the pins. To further control the shape of the wire, you can add and adjust wire work points.

You can create multiple wires by using the current default settings, or you can create a different wire with different settings each time. The last library wire you select is used as the default in future operations.

How is the wire display modified?

Wires are displayed as rendered or centerlines. Rendered display provides a three-dimensional appearance, while centerline display provides an unobstructed view of the work points and path. For optimal performance, use centerline mode while creating and editing wires.

Like segments, you can set the display options for individual wires or for all wires in a selected harness assembly. You can set the display preference with:

The occurrence level display settings always override the current display state.

Tangency between the wires and the associated pins can also be set on the Harness Settings, Wires/Cables tab. When tangency is off, the wire is created as a straight, point to point connection between the pins to which it is attached. When Tangency is on, the wire curves slightly as it approaches the pins.

What tasks are performed with wires?

Once a wire is in an assembly, you can:

What are valid selections for wire work points?

The points you select for wires determines whether wire work points update when changes are made to the associated geometry. Wire work points created by selecting arbitrary points on a face, do not update to changes in the model geometry, including changes in positional representations. Wire work points based on the following geometry update to changes: