Derive Plastic Part dialog box

Specifies one or more plastic parts to place in the Mold Design environment.

On the Mold Layout tab, click Plastic Part

Locate and open an .ipt file with a single or multi-body part. Right-click to select an alignment option, left-click to place.

Alignment options are Align with:
Provides options to control the status of multiple selected solid bodies simultaneously:
Derive the selected bodies

Includes the selected solid body in the plastic part.

Exclude the selected bodies

Excludes the selected solid body from the plastic part. Any solid bodies marked with this symbol are ignored when the derived part is updated. Changes to excluded solid bodies are not incorporated into the derived part.

Indicates the status of bodies associated with the selected plastic part. The symbols correspond to the status command buttons previously described, with this addition.

Indicates that the folder contains a mixture of included and excluded solid bodies.

Plastic Part(s)
Lists all the plastic parts that you want to add.
Click to add

Click to add a new plastic part.

Context menu

Rename the plastic part. Plastic Part does not allow duplicate names of plastic parts.

Bodies Selection
Selects the solid bodies to derive for the plastic part. If the part contains surface bodies, select the surfaces to include for patching or runoff surfaces.