To Work with Lighting Styles

Use the supplied model scene lighting styles or add new ones based on the existing styles but using your specific settings.

You can access Lighting Styles using the following steps:

    You can:

  1. Use a lighting style to illuminate the scene: In the Styles Editor dialog box, right-click the lighting style you want to activate and click Active.
  2. Edit a lighting style: Select the style, and in the right panes change its settings.
    Tip: To preview the edits immediately, activate the edited lighting style, and display shadows.
  3. Create a lighting style:
    1. Select an existing lighting style to use as a template, right-click New Style, and enter the style name.
    2. Edit settings of the new lighting style.
    3. Click Save to save changes to the current document.
  4. Continue to edit lighting styles.
  5. Click Done to close the Settings dialog box.