To Edit Work Features

You can show work feature inputs, turn visibility on or off, resize or move a work plane, resize a work axis, create work features inline, redefine a work feature, and convert grounded and ungrounded work points.

Show Inputs

To understand geometric dependencies, right-click a work feature or sketch in the browser or the graphics window, and select Show Inputs. For example, you can right-click on a work point or sketch to identify the workplane or face from which it was created.

Turn Work Feature Visibility On and Off

Do any of the following:
  • In the browser or the graphics window, select one or more work features, right-click, and select or deselect Visibility.
  • In the browser, click the filter symbol and select or deselect Hide Work Features.
  • On the ribbon, click View tabVisibility panelObject Visibility. Select or deselect desired work features.
Note: Browser symbols show the visibility state selected in the Object Visibility menu. To reset visibility on or off in the browser or graphics window, first set the option on the View menu.

Resize or Move a Work Plane

  1. Right-click the work plane and make sure Auto-Resize is deselected.
  2. To adjust the size and position of a work plane:
    • Click a corner to display the Resize symbol. Drag the corner to the appropriate size and release.
    • Click an edge to display the Move symbol. Drag the edge to the appropriate position and release.

Resize a Work Axis

  1. Right-click the work axis and make sure Auto-Resize is deselected.
  2. Click a handle on either end of the axis and drag.

Create Work Features In-Line

While using a work feature command in a part, you can create an in-line work feature when a point, line, or plane is the expected entry. In-line work features are used to help create other work features. They appear as children of the parent work feature in the browser.

For example, you can create a work axis between two work points that do not yet exist before you start the work axis command. The work points can be created "on-the-fly" when the work axis command is active.

Right-click and select the appropriate work feature on the menu. The work feature command terminates after you create the feature and continues creating the original work feature.

Redefine a Work Feature

  1. Right-click a work plane, work axis, or work point in the graphics window or browser and choose Redefine Feature.
  2. Select new geometry to associate with the work feature. Changes to the geometry reposition the work feature.

Convert Grounded and Ungrounded Work Points