Identical Part Numbers are merged by default into one row. Enable or disable this setting in the Part Number Row Merge Settings dialog box. Then, create a list of values to exclude from being merged into one row.
Enable or disable part number row merging
- On the ribbon, select the Assemble tab
Manage panel
Bill of Materials .
- Select the Structured tab.
- Select the Part Number Row Merge Settings on the toolbar.
- To prevent rows from merging based on part number, cancel the selection of Enable Row Merge on the Part Number.
- To specify a part number to exclude from merging, select New and enter information in the text box.
Work with the Merge Exclude List
- Right-click the Merge Exclude List window.
- Copy the displayed merge exclude list.
- Paste the displayed merge exclude list into the Merge Exclude List window in a different assembly.
Tip: Use the Copy/Paste context menu commands to Copy a merge exclude list from one assembly to other assemblies that use the same list.