Mirror/Copy Components: File Names Reference

What's New: 2021

The Mirror Components: File Names, or Copy Components: File Names dialog box specifies names for part and assembly files created with the Mirror or Copy command. Learn how to specify the folder structure of copied components here.

Mirrored Components: Ribbon: Assemble tab Pattern panel Mirror

When the components to mirror are selected, click Next in the Mirror Components dialog box to open the Mirror Components: File Names dialog box.

Copied Components: Ribbon: Assemble tab Pattern panel Copy

When the components to copy are selected, click OK in the Copy Components dialog box to open the Copy Components: File Names dialog box.

Lists all components created by the mirror (or copy) operation. Repeated components are shown only once.
New Name
Lists names of new files. Click a name to edit. Right-click in the New Name column, and select Find to search in listed file names. Select Replace to find and replace a string in listed file names.

If a name exists, new file names are enumerated sequentially until a unique name is defined.

File Location
Specifies where the new file is saved. Source Path is the default and means that the file is saved at the same location as the original component. Right-click to change the setting to Workspace or User Path. To specify the User Path, click the file location, and then type the path or browse for the desired folder.
Indicates if the new file name is valid. Names created automatically have a white background, manually renamed files have a yellow background, and name conflicts are shown with a red background.
New File
Indicates the new file name is valid, and does not exist in the file location.
Reuse Existing
Indicates that the file name is already used in the file location, but is a valid name for the selected components. Assembly components can be reused, however the entire assembly must be like the source assembly. Reusing parts has no restrictions.
Name Conflict
Indicates that the file name exists in the file location (for assemblies). Can indicate that there is another instance of the same source assembly with the same name.
Naming Scheme
Renames selected components in the Name column with a specified Prefix or Suffix after you click Apply. The default suffix is _MIR for mirrored components and _CPY for copied components. Select Increment to name numbered files incrementally. If you previously manually changed a name, it is overwritten. Click Revert to return to previous version of name.
Component Destination
Specifies the destination of the mirrored or copied components.
Insert in Assembly
The default option places all new components as peer objects in the top-level assembly
Open in New Window
Opens a new window with the new assembly containing all mirrored components.
Return to Selection
Returns to the Mirror Components dialog box, where you can select components.