To Create Rigid Piping and Bent Tubing Routes

What's New: 2021.1

With a rigid type route style active, click Pipe Run tab Route panel New Route to add a rigid tube and pipe route to the active run. Use the Route tab Create panel Route command to start defining the route and use 3D Orthogonal Route to continue with forward creation. A finished route can be populated. Fittings can be dropped onto it to create a fork for another route.

If geometric constraints are not important or dynamic updates are preferred, use auto route regions to automatically generate route points. To apply geometry constraints or specific dimensions, manually select route points using appropriate commands. Auto route regions can be converted to sketched route segments at a later time.

Note: If a flanged route is created, ensure that gaskets are used to seal the flanged connections. Otherwise, ISOGEN output may fail to use for drawing purpose.

The following is a typical workflow of creating a rigid route with a mixed set of both auto route regions and sketched route segments.

  1. Start with a tube and pipe assembly.
  2. With the top assembly or primary runs assembly active, right-click the primary runs assembly, Tube & Pipe Runs by default and select Tube & Pipe Settings to set the global document settings and application settings for all routes and runs.
  3. On the ribbon, click Tube and Pipe tab Run panel Create Pipe Run to add new runs.
  4. If pipe run is not activated, right-click the pipe run and select Edit.

    The pipe run is activated and ready to add routes.

  5. Select an active tube and pipe style. Optionally, you can create new styles or modify existing styles.
  6. With the pipe run active, click Pipe Run tab Route panel New Route . Enter the file name and location.
  7. On the ribbon, click Route tab Create panel Route to start defining the start point on valid geometry.
    Note: If the active style is self draining and the first route segment does not match the slope angle, the route is marked with an error condition on creation.
  8. Use the 3D Orthogonal Route command to continue selecting valid geometry to create auto route regions, or use geometry constraints, point snap, or specific dimensions to create sketched route segments.
    Tip: To position segments in a parametric region accurately in the spatial coordinate system, draw construction lines at the sketched route points during forward creation or later edits. Use geometric constraints to fix the construction line, and then place angular dimensions between the construction line and the adjacent segment.
  9. Right-click and select Finish Edit.
  10. Populate the route.
    Note: The Populate Route command is no longer required for Inventor 2021.1 and newer releases. The route is automatically populated when you finish the route.
    If you have enabled the Prompt for Conduit File Names option in the Tube & Pipe Settings dialog box in Step 2, set the conduit part file names.
  11. To continue editing the route, if you are working with a large tube and pipe assembly, use the Change Display/Update Settings and Defer all Updates commands to prevent automatic updates and hence save memory cost.
  12. Optionally, add additional route points as you create or edit a route.
  13. Optionally, adjust route points and segments dynamically or by placing geometric constraints and dimensional constraints.
  14. Optionally, change the active tube and pipe style.
  15. Optionally, place fittings and conduit parts from the Content Center using AutoDrop or from the active project workspace.
  16. Optionally, connect fittings, routes, runs, tube and pipe subassembly, and Autodesk Inventor components.
  17. Optionally, use the Model browser to visualize the tube and pipe run structure or change visibility for conduit parts and fittings.
  18. Save the top assembly. It is recommended that you save the top assembly regularly. Tube and pipe components are not stored in your project workspace until the top assembly is saved.