Specific property data must be added to a part to provide a complete electrical definition. Property data can be added or modified on the connector part and the connector pin occurrence.
At the part level, there are no required properties that you must set. The part name and part number are automatically set based on the part file name and the Inventor part number. If needed, you can set the reference designator (RefDes) property. Typically a generic or place holder value such as U? is set. Any properties set at the part level are also visible on the part occurrence in the assembly.
Once the part is added to a harness assembly, the RefDes is required for each occurrence of the part in the context of the assembly. The RefDes is the unique identifier that maps the part to the schematic, wiring diagram, or electrical connectivity data.
Additional custom properties can also be added to the part or the part occurrence. Custom properties are used to provide specific information to downstream users or downstream processes such as reporting. Custom properties, such as the vendor and vendor part number, often come from the data book for the component.
Connector part properties
All properties at the part level are optional. At the occurrence level, the RefDes is required when importing wire lists.
In the Part properties dialog box for an occurrence, custom properties added to the part are displayed with a dark background. Custom properties on the part can be overridden by the occurrence, and then restored to their original part-level value as needed.
Connector pin Properties
Connector pin occurrences inherit the general properties that were created at the part level, as well as unique occurrence properties that are stored within the assembly in which they are placed. When specific properties are needed for the connector pin occurrence in an assembly, you can override the part-level property value with an occurrence property value. If the pin is part of a group, any changes are applied to all pins in the group.
In the Connector Pin Properties dialog box for an occurrence, part-level properties added to the pin are displayed with a dark background. Part-level properties on the pin can be replaced by the occurrence, and then restored to their original part-level value, as needed.