Pipe Run Tab

In the run environment, the Tube & Pipe tab displays. You can place fittings from the Content Center or your project workspace, and connect fittings and components.

In the exercises that follow, you learn the basic Connect fitting commands:

Connect Fittings

Connects two components relative to one another in a tube and pipe assembly. The components need not be collinear. You can connect a fitting, a conduit part, or a normal Autodesk Inventor® part that exists in the assembly to another base component. You can also connect fittings when placing or dropping them in the graphics window.

Insert Fittings

Inserts and connects a new fitting between two connected fittings in a tube and pipe assembly. The new fitting must be collinear to make the connection. Using this feature you can build a series of connected fittings, or insert fittings between fitting groups such as flanges created during population of a route.