Before you make a selection, determine whether Desktop Content or Vault Server best suites your needs and the installation method most appropriate to your situation.
Scenario 1 - Autodesk Vault Server (Content Center libraries for a shared network environment)
I am a CAD (or IT) Manager managing a shared network environment using vault server:
- Select the Vault Server option and install Content Center libraries on a Vault Server per the instructions provided on the Autodesk Vault Server media.
To share Content Center libraries, install a Vault Server on a network computer from your Autodesk Account -, and then install the remote content libraries as described on the Vault Server media.
Additional Notes
- Installation of the remote content libraries are separate from the installation of Autodesk Inventor.
- Designed for users who run the current version of Autodesk Inventor on their local computers and work in a shared environment.
- Minimizes space requirements on the local computer.
- Provides the means to manage user accounts.
- You can also install Desktop Content libraries on your local machine. Then you can switch between Desktop Content and Autodesk Vault Server in Application Options
Content Center
Access Options.
Scenario 2 (Content Center libraries for a shared network environment not using vault server)
I work in a shared network non-vault environment and do not use vault server: I want to be able to deploy Desktop Content locally to users’ computers via the deployment wizard.
- In the Deployment configuration options, select Desktop Content option. The Desktop Content will be installed locally on all users computers.
Note: This type of shared environment (sharing Desktop Content) does not provide the security control that is available from managing the libraries on the vault server.
Scenario 3 (Content Center libraries for a shared network environment not using vault server)
I work in a shared network non-vault environment and do not use vault server: I want to share the Content Center libraries on a shared network in a non-vault environment.
- Install the Desktop content libraries only to a single computer.
- Copy the library files to a shared network location.
- Update the file location in the Application Options, Content Center tab Access Options with the shared network location. Do this on all other computers that need CC access from the network location.
Note: This type of shared environment (sharing Desktop Content libraries on a network server share) does not provide the security control that is available from managing the libraries on the vault server. Security needs to be controlled manually through network permissions.
Note: You can use Inventor Content Center libraries in the current version of Inventor after you migrate them.