Interoperability Enhancement

Learn about process improvement for referencing data from Revit to Inventor.

Improving the Interoperability Workflow

The capability for referencing Revit data in Inventor utilizes an installed Revit component that is release-matched to Inventor. If, during installation, the Revit to Inventor Interoperability option was deselected and the Revit component not installed or was removed at some point, you can now install it on-the-fly.

In the past, you would have to stop what your doing and take the necessary steps to change the Inventor installation to include the Revit component option. That is no longer the case.

The process has been improved significantly. If the Revit component is not installed and a command requiring it is activated:
  1. The Inventor command is cancelled.
  2. The corresponding Revit component is installed in the background. You do not have to stop Inventor and run the installation change, it is done automatically.
  3. Meanwhile, you continue to work on other Inventor data.
  4. Once the Revit component is installed, you can also work with Revit data.