Mark Command

The Mark command is added so you can create laser marking, etching, and engraving features.

Mark feature

You can now use sketch text or geometry to add Mark features.

Use the Mark feature to create content that represents laser marking, etching, or engraving. Mark features are displayed in 2D and 3D and can be exported within Flat Pattern DXF/DWG export.

Mark features defined in a flat pattern are not included in the folded model or drawing views of the folded model.

Modeling and export behavior of Mark features is controlled by Mark Styles. Each Mark Style is mapped to an exported Mark layer in a DXF or DWG file. You can define custom Mark Styles, assign them to selection sets within Mark features, and export the mark geometry to specific layers in a DXF or DWG file. If you are using custom styles created prior to R2023, the Mark style file mark.xml must exist in the Design Data folder in order to use the Mark command.

Note: Click Tutorials in Inventor Home and download the Mark tutorial in the gallery to experience the complete workflow.

An Inventor® Ideas submission

For more information, see To Mark Faces.

Mark Style

Mark export properties are added to the Style and Standards Editor so you can set the DXF/DWG export properties for Layer Name, Color, Line Type, and Line Weight.

For more information, see Style and Standard Editor - Mark Style Reference.