Capture Menu Options

Use the Capture menu to perform your VTR capture operations.

Note:Capture can only be done using the DVS or AJA video cards. The GFX/SDI options listed below are provided as reference only and should not be used during the capture.

In order to perform VTR capture operations, you must enable the VTR Control button, in the Editing / Playout menu.

The following three graphics represent the Capture menu.

(a) Video/Graphics option box  (b) Raster list  (c) Format option box  (d) Link Type option box (e) Audio File Type option box (f) Sampling Rate/Bit Depth option box (g) Audio Input button  (h) Audio Track Selection option box(i) VTR Status panel (j) Capture Error status 

Video/Graphics option box

Toggle between the video card (AJA or DVS) and the graphics card (GFX/SDI). The Raster list is then populated with rasters for the selected card.

Warning:When capturing, do not select a raster for the GFX/SDI card. Doing so is not supported and can result in failed capture.

Raster list

With a video card selected in the Video option box (AVIO), select one of the listed rasters to set the resolution and timing for capture.

Format option box

Toggle to display only rasters belonging to a particular footage format in the Raster list.

Select:To display:
SDStandard definition rasters.
HDHigh definition rasters.
FilmFilm rasters.
AudioAudio rasters (only applicable to GFX/SDI).
Note:Enable an Audio Only raster when monitoring the GFX/SDI output and working with audio signal coming out of the AJA/DVS breakout box. This is similar to working with audio media or to using the LTC chase feature with a DVS.

Link Type option box

Toggle to display only rasters belonging to a particular link type in the Raster list.

Select:To display:
SingleThe single link rasters.
DualThe dual link rasters.
StereoThe stereoscopy rasters (only applicable to GFX / SDI).

Pulldown button

Enable to remove 3:2 pulldown from Film-to-video transferred material. See Removing Pulldown when Capturing.

Full Range button

Enable to configure Lustre to capture the full video signal from the video board. If disabled, Lustre captures only the legal portion of the video signal.

Sync Mode list

Select one of the sync modes.

InternalSyncSet the sync mode to a free running internal sync (SD and HD).
ExternalSyncGenlock to an analog sync connected to the sync input (SD only).
TrilevelSyncGenlock to a trilevel sync connected to the sync input (HD only).

Video Capture Format list

Select a video capture format to set file type, colour space, and bit depth of the captured material.

Select:To capture only:
Dpx 10Bit RGBDPX files with an RGB colour space at a bit depth of 10-bit.
Tiff 8Bit RGBTIFF files with an RGB colour space at a bit depth of 8-bit.
AVI 8Bit RGBAVI files with an RGB colour space at a bit depth of 8-bit (available only on Windows workstations.)

Audio File Type option box

Choose whether to save audio captured from a VTR/ATR, or imported from Wiretap as a Wave (.WAV) or AIFF (.AIF) file.

Audio Sampling Rate/Bit Depth option box

Select to capture the audio tracks at a sampling rate of 48 kilohertz (kHz) and a bit depth of 16-bit, or 48 kHz and a bit depth of 24-bit.

Single File Capture button

When enabled, all the selected audio tracks are saved in a single file. When disabled, each audio track is saved as an individual file. This option is enabled by default.

Log panel

Displays status messages during capture.

TC button

Initiates a capture from VTR using timecode in and out points. See Capturing from Timecode.

EDL button

Initiates a capture from VTR using an EDL. See Auto-conforming an EDL.

Note:EDL Capture is video only; audio events are ignored.

Capture TC Break button

Initiates a capture from VTR using the timecode in and out points, regardless of the number of timecode breaks. See Capturing Media with Timecode Breaks.

Timecode In Point field

Enter the start timecode. Press Set next to the field to set the current timecode (read from the VTR) as the in point.

Timecode Out Point field

Enter the end timecode. Press Set next to the field to set the current timecode (read from the VTR) as the out point.

EDL Log Add button

Logs the In and Out timecode points as an EDL for capture. See Logging and Batch Digitizing.

Note:Only video events are supported for EDL logging.

Handle button

Enable to capture heads and tails. This feature is used when capturing from an EDL or from timecode.

Note:You must enable the Handle button in order to use the Handle slider.

Handle slider

Set the number of head and tail frames to capture.

V button

Enable to capture the video track when capturing from a video source. Disable to capture audio only.

A1 - A16 buttons

Enable the audio track(s) (A1-A16) to capture from an audio source.

VTR Status panel

Displays the VTR status messages when Lustre is connected to a VTR.

Audio Track Selection option box

Used in correlation with the A1-A16 buttons. Toggle to determine whether tracks 1-8 or 9-16 are visible. Tracks 9-16 are only available with embedded AJA audio. If only eight audio tracks are available, this option is disabled (greyed out).

Audio Input option box

Toggle to specify the source of the captured audio.

Select:To specify the connection to the audio source:
EmbeddedThe SDI connection.
AESThe XLR connections on the DVS/AJA breakout box.

Video Delay field

Enter a frame number to delay the video capture for that number of fields. For example, if you set the field to 10, the capture begins 10 frames after the In point. If you set the field to -10, capture begins 10 frames before the In point.

Audio Delay field

Enter a frame number to delay the audio capture for that number of fields. For example, if you set the field to 10, the audio capture begins 10 frames after the In point.

Note:The Video and Audio Delay fields compensate for the frame delays that may exist when capturing to Lustre.

Capture Error status

Displays a message when an error has occured while capturing from a VTR.

Pulldown Field buttons

Enable a Pulldown Field button to select the frame used for the 3:2 pulldown. Only available when Pulldown is enabled. See About 3:2 Pulldown.

Standby Off button

Removes the VTR heads from the tape.

Eject button

Ejects the tape in the VTR.

Home field

Displays the project home directory. This is the destination path for captured footage. You cannot change this value without modifying your project settings.

Scene field

Displays the current scene you are working in during capture. You cannot change this value without modifying your project settings.

Capture field

Enter the name of the folder where video media is saved.

Tape field

Displays the tape name. When capturing in TC mode, enter a tape name. When capturing from an EDL, the default tape name is determined by that EDL. If you capture an EDL with multiple tapes, a folder structure (//) is created for each tape (e.g., 0001/1920x1080).

Resolution field

Defaults to the resolution of the captured files, and is used in the folder structure. Do not change this field.

File field

Displays the filename, which is the frame offset value based on the source timecode (e.g., 84600.dpx is 1:00:00:00 at 24 fps). defines the amount of padding for the file name (for example, 084600.dpx reflects six digits of padding before the extension). You can add a prefix before the number, but to ensure consistent frame counting, do not erase the number (e.g., Mymovietitle.084600.dpx).