In addition to the geometric properties available in AutoCAD, AutoCAD Map 3D toolset has user-defined properties called object data.
You can use object data as you would regular AutoCAD properties. For example, use object data:
You must have AutoCAD Map 3D toolset to create object data, but anyone who uses the free Autodesk® Design Review software can view it. For example, a field worker can view a DWF™ version of a sewer map in Autodesk® Design Review. To see information about a sewer pipe, the worker holds the cursor over that pipe. The information is available without obscuring the map itself.
The drawings in this tutorial have object data tables with information already entered. In this exercise, you use object data as a query condition. In a later exercise, you use object data to create feature classes in a new data format.
To create a query based on object data
Specify sewer pipes that are more than 8 inches in diameter.
Only the sewer lines that are greater than 8 inches in diameter are displayed.
To continue this tutorial, go to Exercise 6: Create an object data index (optional).