You can give the connection any name you like. This name appears in Map Explorer as the name of the feature source.
Optionally, select Remember Password if you want AutoCAD Map 3D toolset to log you in whenever you open this drawing.
To select from a list of data stores, click the down arrow. AutoCAD Map 3D toolset connects to the specified server and instance and lists the available data stores.
If a feature class contains multiple geometry types,and you select the feature class itself, all geometries are added. To add a subset of geometries, hold your cursor over the feature class name to see the Show Geometry button. Click Show Geometry to see each geometry as a separate choice. Select the ones you want. Each selected geometry is added to map as a separate Display Manager layer.
To bring in a subset of the data, click the down arrow and select Add To Map With Query. To filter data after you’ve added the data to your map, see To Filter Feature Layers.
cd <MapInstallDir>/Fdo/bin/com
mysql --user=MyUserName --password=MyPasswordMyDatabase <AlterSchemaMySQL.sql> MyLogFile