About Styling Drawing Layers

You can combine styles for a single drawing layer.

Style roads by combining a thick continuous black line with a thin dotted yellow line.

Styles are rendered from bottom to top. That is, the bottom style in the list is rendered first.

You can create more than one style for a drawing layer. The styles overlay each other.

Style Types  
Entity Specifies color, linetype, linetype scale, line weight, and plotstyle for drawing objects using this style.
Annotation Adds annotation, such as text, blocks, images, and information based on object properties, to drawing objects using this style.
Hatch Adds hatch to drawing objects using this style.
Symbol Uses symbols such as blocks or annotation to represent drawing objects using this style. Can be combined with other symbol styles only.
Text Adds text to drawing objects using this style.
Raster Image Specifies brightness, contrast, and fade for images using this style.
Theme Displays the Thematic Mapping dialog box, where you can create a theme style.

All the properties of the style are displayed on the Display tab of the Properties palette, where you can view or modify them.