To Save a Display Style to the Library

If you plan to use a style more than once, you can save it in the Display Library.

To save a style to the Display Library

  1. In the Display Manager , right-click the style to save Copy.
  2. If the Display Library is not already displayed, in the Display Manager, click ToolsShow Library.
  3. On the Display Styles tab of the Display Library, right-click, and choose Paste.

Note that the style is not referenced. Only dragging from the Display Library to the drawing layer creates a referenced style.

To create a new category in the Display Library

  1. If the Display Library is not already displayed, in Display Manager , click ToolsShow Library.
  2. On the Display Library palette, right-click the Display Styles tab. Click Add Category.
  3. To change the name of the tab, right-click the tab name. Click Rename. Enter a name for the tab.