To Work With Survey Points

AutoCAD Map 3D toolset allows you to create, manage, export, and migrate survey points. You can view and edit survey point data in the drawing window and Point Table, export survey points to LandXML, and create geospatial features from survey points using Bulk Copy.

To create survey points

  1. Click Edit in the Survey Task Pane toolstrip.
  2. Right-click the project, survey, or point group to which you want to add a point.
  3. Select Create New Point.
  4. Specify the location of the new point on the map.
  5. AutoCAD Map 3D toolset creates the point and displays the Point Table.

To create survey points using coordinate geometry

  1. Click Edit in the Survey Task Pane toolstrip.
  2. Right-click the project, survey, or point group to which you want to add a point.
  3. Select Create COGO Point. The COGO Input dialog box appears.
  4. Select the desired coordinate geometry routine and enter the appropriate information. For more information on entering coordinate geometry, see About Coordinate Geometry (COGO).
  5. Click Create Point.

To move points from one point group to another

    You can move points between point groups with standard copy and paste commands. You can also CTRL-Drag points from one group to another. Note that when you copy points from one group to another, you are not duplicating those points. Rather, you are creating references to those points and adding them to the new point group. You can move points between point groups without entering direct edit mode.

  1. Right-click the Points node in the point group you want to move.
  2. Select Copy.
  3. Right-click the Points node in the point group to which you want to move the copied points.
  4. Select Paste.

To copy and paste points

    You can also copy and paste individual points, or a selection of points, using the Point Table.

  1. In the Point Table, select the rows containing the points you wish to copy.
  2. Right-click the row header (the grey row selection button to the left of the object ID number) for that data and select Copy Points.
  3. In the Data drop-down list, select the node to which you wish to paste the copied points.
  4. Right-click any row header in the Data Table and select Paste Points. If you are pasting points to an empty point group, right-click the left-most column header (the Sort row header) and select Paste Points.

To remove points from a point group

    You can remove selected points from a point group using the Point Table. When you remove a point from a point group, you are not deleting the point data. Rather, you are removing the reference to that point from the point group.

  1. In the Point Table, select the rows containing the points you wish to remove.
  2. Right-click the row header (the grey row selection button to the left of the object ID number) for the selected points and select Remove Points.
  3. In the Confirm Remove Points dialog box, click Yes.

To delete survey points

    You can delete survey points from your survey data store. You must work in direct edit mode to delete survey points. Deleting survey points removes them from your survey data store and from the connected data source.

  1. Click Edit in the Survey Task Pane toolstrip.
  2. Right-click the points node and select Delete Points.
  3. In the Confirm Delete All Points dialog box, click Yes.

To delete survey points from a point group

    You can also delete selected points from a point group using the Point Table.

  1. Click Edit in the Survey Task Pane toolstrip.
  2. In the Point Table, select the rows containing the points you wish to delete.
  3. Right-click the row header (the grey row selection button to the left of the object ID number) for the selected points and select Delete Points.
  4. In the Confirm Delete Points dialog box, click Yes.

To view and edit survey point data in the Point Table

  1. Click Edit in the Survey Task Pane toolstrip if you want to edit the point data. You do not need to enter direct edit mode if you only want to view the data in the Point Table.
  2. Select the project, survey, or point group you want to view or edit, then click Table in the Survey Task Pane toolstrip. The Point Table appears.
  3. View the survey point data in the Point Table. To edit data, click the desired field and edit the data as appropriate. Fields with constrained values will display a drop-down list. Uneditable fields will be shaded.

To zoom to survey points on the map

    You can zoom to any collection of points in the survey data store.

  1. Right-click the Survey Data Store, Project, Survey, or Point Group for which you want to view points.
  2. Select Zoom to... to zoom to the selected points.

To create geospatial features from survey points

  1. Right-click the project, survey, or point group from which you want to create geospatial features.
  2. Select Export Points. The Bulk Copy dialog box appears.
  3. Follow the instructions for To Migrate GIS Data (Bulk Copy) to create point features from your survey points.