To Work With Object Classification

Object classes define a set of standard objects for your organization. When a user adds one of these standard objects to a drawing that uses object classification, the object is created using the properties you have defined and is a “classified” object.

To set up object classification

To define an object class

  1. Select a sample object for the object class.
  2. If an object definition file is not attached, enter attachdef at the command prompt and attach the file.
  3. On the Map Explorer tab of the Task Pane, right-click Object Classes. Click Define Object Class.
  4. When prompted to select a sample object, select the sample object. Press Enter.
  5. In the Define Object Classification dialog box, enter a name and a description.
  6. To base this object class on an existing object class, select the existing object class from the Based On list.

    To use this object class as a base only, select Use As Base Object Classification Only.

  7. On the Applies To tab, select the object type for this object class.
  8. On the Properties List tab, select each of the properties you want to include in the definition. For each property, enter a default value and a range of possible values.

    To specify a line weight, enter the decimal value as an integer. For example, to specify a line weight of 0.13, enter 13.

    To define a new property, click New Property. In the New Property dialog box, specify the category and name for the new property.

  9. On the Class Settings tab, select the object to use to create the feature. For example, if you are defining an object class for roads, select Polyline as the creation method.

You can create hierarchies of object classes. When you base a new object class on an existing object class, the new object class has all the properties of the base class.

To base a new object class on an existing class

  1. Define the object class.
  2. For Based On, select the object class on which you want to base this new object class.

    The selected properties of the base object class appear in the list.

  3. You cannot clear any of the properties of the base object class, but you can edit the property attributes, including the default and the range of allowable values.
  4. Add any additional properties you want, and finish defining the object class.

To specify that an object class can be used only as a base class

  1. Define the object class.
  2. In the Define Object Classification dialog box, select Use As Base Object Classification Only.

When you define an object class, you can specify a range of allowable values and a default value for new objects created using the object class.

To specify a default value and a range for a property

  1. Create the object class and select the object type on the Applies To tab of the Define Object Classification dialog box.
  2. On the Properties List tab, select a property.
  3. Under Property Attributes, for Default, enter the default value for this property.
  4. For Range, specify the range of allowable values.

    Click … to select from a list of properties if available, otherwise, enter the values.

    • To enter a list of values, separate them with commas, for example: 1,5,9
    • To enter a range of numbers, enclose the first and last numbers in square brackets and separate the numbers with a comma, for example: [3,7]
    • You can combine a range with additional values, for example: 1,[3,7],9
    • To delete a range, enter two dashes ( "--" ).

To modify an object class definition

  1. Open a drawing that contains an object classified with the object class you want to modify.
  2. If an object classification file is not attached, enter attachdef at the command prompt and attach the file.
  3. On the Map Explorer tab of the Task Pane, right-click the object class whose definition you want to modify. Click Define Object Class.
  4. Select the sample object. This object must be classified with the object class you want to modify.
  5. In the Define Object Classification dialog box, modify properties.
    • You cannot change the object type used for the feature.
    • On the Properties List tab, select or clear properties you want to include in the definition. For each new property, enter a default value and a range of possible values.

      To specify a line weight, enter the decimal value as an integer. For example, to specify a line weight of 0.13, enter 13.

    • On the Class Settings tab, specify the icon to display for the feature and whether the data appears on the Map Explorer tab of the Task Pane.

The object classification file contains information on object classes you have defined.

To create a new object classification file

  1. On the Map Explorer tab of the Task Pane, right-click Object Classes. Click New Definition File.
  2. In the New Object Class Definition File dialog box, specify a name for the new object classification file. Click OK.