To Work With Symbols

A symbol is essentially a block definition that includes a name, geometry, the location of the base point to be used for aligning the symbol when you use it, and a description.

To create a symbol

    The symbol you create is based on an existing object in your map or drawing.

  1. — Click Create tab > Symbol panel > Create Symbol.

    At the Command prompt, enter mapcreatesymbol.

  2. In the Symbol Definition dialog box, make the following settings:
    • Enter a name for the symbol.
    • Set the base point.
    • Select the objects in the drawing that will make up the symbol.
    • Enter a description for the symbol.

    Click OK.

  3. In the Block Editor, make any final settings.
  4. — Click Save Block.
  5. Click Close Block Editor.

To edit a symbol

  1. — Click Create tab > Symbol panel > Edit Symbol.

    At the Command prompt, enter mapeditsymbol.

  2. In the Edit Symbol Definition dialog box, select the symbol you want to edit and click OK.

    The symbol is loaded into the Block Editor.

  3. In the Block Editor, make your changes to the symbol.
  4. — Click Save Block.
  5. Click Close Block Editor.

To edit and save an existing symbol as a new block

  1. — Click Create tab > Symbol panel > Edit Symbol.

    At the Command prompt, enter mapeditsymbol.

  2. In the Edit Symbol Definition dialog box, select the symbol you want to edit and click OK.

    The symbol is loaded into the Block Editor.

  3. In the Block Editor, make your changes to define the new block.
  4. — Click Open/Save > Save Block As.
  5. Do the following:
    • Enter a new block name.
    • Optionally, activate Save Block Definition to Drawing File if you want to share the block with other drawings.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click Close Block Editor.

To convert a DWG block

    Blocks can be converted to a symbol library or an XML file.

  1. — Click Tools tab > Blocks panel > Convert Blocks.

    Optionally, click Output tab > Blocks panel > Convert Blocks

    At the Command prompt, enter mapconvertblocks.

  2. In the Block Converter dialog box, enter a drawing name in the Select DWG field, or click and browse to find a DWG file.
  3. In the Convert Blocks To section, specify whether you want to convert blocks to a Symbol Library or XML files.
  4. Click OK.