To Bring in GIS Features

A feature is the spatial description of a real-world entity such as a road, a utility pole, or a river. Features are stored in a spatial database or file. The spatial database or file is referred to as a feature source.

  1. In Display Manager, click DataConnect To Data.
  2. In the left pane of the Data Connect window, select the feature source.
  3. In the right pane, enter a name for this connection and specify the information required to connect to the feature source. Click Connect.
  4. In the Add Data To Map section, under Schema, select the feature classes to include in your map.

    If this feature source contains only a single feature class, that feature class is selected automatically. If it contains multiple feature classes, you can right-click any of them and choose Select All or Select None.

  5. If necessary, click Edit Coordinate Systems to specify the coordinate system for the incoming data.
  6. Click Add To Map.

    To bring in a subset of the data, click the Down Arrow and select Add To Map With Query. See To Filter Features When You Add Them to a Map.