A workflow automates a set of activities. You can change any existing workflow or create one from scratch.
To edit a workflow
If the workflow you want is not in the list, click Open Workflow From File at the bottom of the list. After you open a workflow, select it from the list.
For example, to change the settings for activities inside the Parallel Activity at the top of the workflow, click its plus sign. The Parallel Activity contains activities for the feature classes that are compared in the Overlay workflow and creates the Display Manager layers for these feature classes.
For information about the available activities and their parameters, see Workflow Activity Input Dialogs. For a tutorial on workflows, see Lesson 5: Edit a Predefined Workflow.
To use a layer created by a previous activity, select it from the list under Results Of Previous Actions.
There is a shortcut for adding an activity and automatically binding it to the previous activity. Right-click an activity and click the activity to add. For example, right-click an Overlay activity and click Add Feature Layer to create a new Display Manager layer that stores the output of the Overlay operation.
When you right-click, the list contains activities that would logically follow the current one. When you add an activity in this way, you can automatically bind it to the one you right-clicked. For example, right-click an Overlay activity and click Add Feature Layer to create a new Display Manager layer that stores the output of the Overlay operation.
When the run-time prompt is on, anyone running this workflow must provide the input for this activity. For example, the person running the workflow must provide data store connection information for a Connect To Data Store activity.
Disable an activity temporarily to resolve problems with a workflow. If you are not sure which activity is causing the problem, disable them one at a time when you run the workflow. This can isolate the issue.
To save your changes as a new workflow, click
Workflows saved in AutoCAD Map 3D 2023 toolset format cannot be opened in AutoCAD Map 3D 2010. To use your workflow with AutoCAD Map 3D 2010, make sure that the workflow contains only activities that were supported in that version. Then use Save As and change Save As Type to Map 3D 2010 Workflow File. To maintain the version formatting, you must continue to use the 2010 Save As option each time you save the workflow
As each activity executes successfully, a green check mark appears at the top right corner of the activity box. If an exclamation mark appears instead of the check mark, the activity is missing parameter values. Click the exclamation point to see what is missing and correct the problem. If a red X appears instead of the check mark, the activity failed.
Click the status link in the Workflow Status area (at the bottom of the Workflow Designer window) to see the log.
In the log window, find the row for the activity that failed. The description column explains the error.
To create a workflow
Use a separate Sequence activity for each connection. By default, the Parallel activity has two Sequence activities. If you need more, drag them into the Parallel activity.
For information about the available activities and their parameters, see Workflow Activity Input Dialogs. For a tutorial on workflows, see Lesson 5: Edit a Predefined Workflow.
Workflows saved in AutoCAD Map 3D toolset format cannot be opened in AutoCAD Map 3D 2010. To use your workflow with AutoCAD Map 3D 2010, make sure that the workflow contains only activities that were supported in that version. Then use Save As and change Save As Type to Map 3D 2010 Workflow File. To maintain the version formatting, you must continue to use the 2010 Save As option each time you save the workflow
As each activity executes successfully, a green check mark appears at the top right corner of the activity box. If an exclamation mark appears instead of the check mark, the activity is missing a parameter. If a red X appears, the activity failed. Click the link in the Workflow Status area (at the bottom of the Workflow Designer window) to see the log.