To Set Correlation Defaults

Most images have correlation data that is stored in the image file header or in a correlation source file. However, some images may not have any correlation data. For those cases, you can specify default correlation data.

To set the correlation defaults

  1. In the Planning And Analysis workspace, click Insert tabImage panelangle-arrow.
  2. In the Raster Extension Options dialog box, select the Image Defaults tab.
  3. Under Insertion Point, type default insertion point coordinates in the X and Y boxes. The precision of these points depends on the precision value in the Drawing Units dialog box. For more information about the AutoCAD UNITS command, see the AutoCAD help.
  4. To set an elevation for image frames, type the elevation in the Z insertion point box.

    This value is useful to establish the elevation of a floor plan image, for example.

  5. In the Rotation box, type a default rotation angle for images. The unit of measurement depends on the selected value in the Drawing Units dialog box.
  6. In the Scale box, type a default scale for images. Image scale does not change the scale of the vector drawing.
  7. In the Density box, type a default density for images. Usually this is the scanned resolution. For example, if the majority of your images were scanned at 300 dots per inch, then type 300 in this box.
  8. In the Units box, select the default unit for the insertion point and density of images. For example, if the majority of your images were scanned at 300 dots per inch, then select Inch as the default.
  9. Click OK.