Unwrap_UVW : Modifier

Unwrap_UVW - superclass: modifier; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - classID: #(48180794, 1924812319) 
Unwrap_UVW Modifier Sub-Topics
Command Panel Controls

Edit UVWs Floater

Main Toolbar


Preferences Dialog

Regular (Unfold) Mapping


Render UV Template
Select and Transform

Spline Mapping


LSCM (Peel) Mapping


Pelt Mapping

Topology Editing


unwrap_UVW ... 
UVWunwrap ... 


<Unwrap_UVW>.baseMaterial UndefinedClass default: undefined -- material; 

Get/Set the Base Material.Available in 3ds Max 8 and higher.

<Unwrap_UVW>.baseMaterial_list ArrayParameter default: #() -- material array 

Get/Set the Base Material List.Available in 3ds Max 2008 and higher.

<Unwrap_UVW>.checkerMaterial Standardmaterial default: UnwrapChecker:Standard -- material; SubAnim 

Get/Set the Checker Material.Available in 3ds Max 8 and higher.

<Unwrap_UVW>.texMapIDList ArrayParameter default: #() -- int array; 

Get/Set the Texture Map ID list.Available in 3ds Max 8 and higher.

<Unwrap_UVW>.texMapList ArrayParameter default: #() -- texturemap array; 

Get/Set the Texture Map list.Available in 3ds Max 8 and higher.

<Unwrap_UVW>.vertexSnap BooleanClass default: true -- boolean; Vertex_Snap 

Enable/Disable the Vertex Snap.Available in 3ds Max 8 and higher.

<Unwrap_UVW>.edgeSnap BooleanClass default: true -- boolean; Edge_Snap 

Enable/Disable the Edge Snap.Available in 3ds Max 8 and higher.

<Unwrap_UVW>.gridSnap BooleanClass default: true -- boolean; Grid_Snap 

Enable/Disable the Grid Snap.Available in 3ds Max 8 and higher.

<Unwrap_UVW>.showImageAlpha BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Show_Image_Alpha 

Enable/Disable the Show Image Alpha option in the Unwrap Options dialog.Available in 3ds Max 8 and higher.

<Unwrap_UVW>.peelAutoEdit BooleanClass default: true -- boolean

Available in 3ds Max 2012 and higher.

Apply To Whole Object



Gets the state of the Apply to whole object mode. When true, the Unwrap will ignore the selection set being passed to it.

Exposed via unwrap2 interface in 3ds Max 5 and higher.

<void><Unwrap_UVW>.setApplyToWholeObject <boolean>whole 

Sets the state of the Apply to whole object mode. When set to true, it will force Unwrap to ignore the selection set being passed to it. It has to be set before the modifier is applied to the object.

Exposed via unwrap2 interface in 3ds Max 5 and higher.


Available in 3ds Max 2018 and higher.


Available in 3ds Max 2018 and higher.

Hide Polygons in Viewports



Hides the selected mesh polygons in the viewports.

Exposed via unwrap2 interface in 3ds Max 5 and higher.


Unhides the mesh polygons in the viewports.

Exposed via unwrap2 interface in 3ds Max 5 and higher.

<point3><Unwrap_UVW>.getNormal <integer>faceIndex 

Returns the normal of the indexed face.

Exposed via unwrap2 interface in 3ds Max 5 and higher.

Viewport Options



Returns the state of Constant Update as a boolean value. When true, viewport is updated on every move, otherwise it is just updated on mouse up.

Exposed via unwrap interface in 3ds Max 4 and higher.

<void><Unwrap_UVW>.setConstantUpdate <boolean>update 

Sets the state of the Constant Update value. When true, the viewport is updated on every move, otherwise it is just updated on mouse up.

Exposed via unwrap interface in 3ds Max 4 and higher.


Returns a boolean value which indicates whether the selected texture vertices are also displayed in the viewports.

Exposed via unwrap interface in 3ds Max 4 and higher.

<void><Unwrap_UVW>.setShowSelectedVertices <boolean>show 

Sets whether the selected texture vertices are also displayed in the viewport.

Exposed via unwrap interface in 3ds Max 4 and higher.

Map Scale



Returns the scaling factor when the user applies a planar map. The smaller the value the more the planar map is scaled down.

Exposed via unwrap interface in 3ds Max 4 and higher.

<void><Unwrap_UVW>.SetMapScale <float>scale 

Sets the scaling factor when the user applies a planar map. The smaller the value the more the planar map is scaled down.

<float> scale - The scaling factor for planar map.

Exposed via unwrap interface in 3ds Max 4 and higher.


Exposed via unwrap6 interface in 3ds Max 2012 and higher.

Show Icon

<void><Unwrap_UVW>.showIcon <integer>index <boolean>show 

Lets you turn on/off icons in the Unwrap UVW Edit dialog

The icons are as follows:

Exposed via unwrap2 interface in 3ds Max 5 and higher.

Debug Level (For Developers)

<void><Unwrap_UVW>.setDebugLevel <integer>level 

Development debugging level. Not exposed to the UI. Level 0 means no debug info, the higher the value the more info you will see in your script window.

Exposed via unwrap2 interface in 3ds Max 5 and higher.