Python API 2.0 Reference
OpenMaya.MCameraMessage Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for OpenMaya.MCameraMessage:

Static Public Member Functions

def addBeginManipulationCallback ()
def addEndManipulationCallback ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from OpenMaya.MMessage
def currentCallbackId ()
def nodeCallbacks ()
def removeCallback ()
def removeCallbacks ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from OpenMaya.MMessage
int kDefaultAction = 0
int kDoAction = 2
int kDoNotDoAction = 1

Detailed Description

Class used to register callbacks for Camera Manipulation Begin and End related messages.

Method resolution order:
-   MCameraMessage
-   MMessage
-   builtins.object

Member Function Documentation

def OpenMaya.MCameraMessage.addBeginManipulationCallback ( )
addBeginManipulationCallback(node, function, clientData=None) -> id

Registers callbacks for camera manipulation beginning messages.

 * node (MObject) - The node to register the callback for.
 * function (MMessage::MNodeFunction) - the callback function
 * clientData - User defined data passed to the callback function

 * return: Identifier used for removing the callback.
def OpenMaya.MCameraMessage.addEndManipulationCallback ( )
addEndManipulationCallback(node, function, clientData=None) -> id

Registers callbacks for camera manipulation ending messages.

 * node (MObject) - The node to register the callback for.
 * function (MMessage::MNodeFunction) - the callback function
 * clientData - User defined data passed to the callback function

 * return: Identifier used for removing the callback.