Python API 2.0 Reference
OpenMaya.MDagPath Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for OpenMaya.MDagPath:

Public Member Functions

def __eq__ ()
def __ge__ ()
def __gt__ ()
def __init__ ()
def __le__ ()
def __lt__ ()
def __ne__ ()
def __str__ ()
def apiType ()
def child ()
def childCount ()
def exclusiveMatrix ()
def exclusiveMatrixInverse ()
def extendToShape ()
def fullPathName ()
def getDisplayStatus ()
def getDrawOverrideInfo ()
def getPath ()
def hasFn ()
def inclusiveMatrix ()
def inclusiveMatrixInverse ()
def instanceNumber ()
def isInstanced ()
def isTemplated ()
def isValid ()
def isVisible ()
def length ()
def node ()
def numberOfShapesDirectlyBelow ()
def partialPathName ()
def pathCount ()
def pop ()
def push ()
def set ()
def transform ()

Static Public Member Functions

def __new__ ()
def getAPathTo ()
def getAllPathsTo ()
def matchTransform ()

Detailed Description

Path to a DAG node from the top of the DAG.



Default constructor. Returns a new, empty MDagPath object.

MDagPath(src) src - MDagPath

Copy constructor. Returns a new MDagPath object with the same value as src.

Comparison Support

== True if both paths refer to the same instance of the same node.
!= True if the paths refer to different nodes or different instances of the same node.

All other comparison operators will raise a TypeError exception.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def OpenMaya.MDagPath.__init__ ( )
Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

Member Function Documentation

def OpenMaya.MDagPath.__eq__ ( )
Return self==value.
def OpenMaya.MDagPath.__ge__ ( )
Return self>=value.
def OpenMaya.MDagPath.__gt__ ( )
Return self>value.
def OpenMaya.MDagPath.__le__ ( )
Return self<=value.
def OpenMaya.MDagPath.__lt__ ( )
Return self<value.
def OpenMaya.MDagPath.__ne__ ( )
Return self!=value.
def OpenMaya.MDagPath.__new__ ( )
Create and return a new object.  See help(type) for accurate signature.
def OpenMaya.MDagPath.__str__ ( )
Return str(self).
OpenMaya.MDagPath.apiType ( )
Returns the type of the object at the end of the path.
Signature: apiType()
Returns: MFn constant
Description: Returns the type of the object at the end of the path.
OpenMaya.MDagPath.child ( )
Returns the specified child of the object at the end of the path.
Signature: child(childNum)
Parameters: childNum - int
Returns: MObject
Description: The childNum'th object parented directly beneath the object at the end of the path.
OpenMaya.MDagPath.childCount ( )
Returns the number of objects parented directly beneath the object at the end of the path.
Signature: childCount()
Returns: int
Description: Returns the number of objects parented directly beneath the object at the end of the path.
OpenMaya.MDagPath.exclusiveMatrix ( )
Returns the matrix for all transforms in the path, excluding the end object.
Signature: exclusiveMatrix()
Returns: MMatrix
Description: Returns the matrix for all transforms in the path, excluding the end object.
OpenMaya.MDagPath.exclusiveMatrixInverse ( )
Returns the inverse of exclusiveMatrix().
Signature: exclusiveMatrixInverse()
Returns: MMatrix
Description: Returns the inverse of exclusiveMatrix().
OpenMaya.MDagPath.extendToShape ( )
Extends the path to the specified shape node parented directly beneath the transform at the current end of the path.
Signature: extendToShape(shapeNum=0)
Parameters: shapeNum - int
Returns: New reference to self.
Description: Extends the path to the shapeNum'th shape node parented directly beneath the transform at the current end of the path.
OpenMaya.MDagPath.fullPathName ( )
Returns a string representation of the path from the DAG root to the path's last node.
Signature: fullPathName()
Returns: string
Description: Returns a string representation of the path from the DAG root to the path's last node.
OpenMaya.MDagPath.getAllPathsTo ( )
Returns all paths to the given node.
Name: getAllPathsTo(node)
Parameters: node - MObject
Returns: MDagPathArray
Description: Returns all paths to the given node.
OpenMaya.MDagPath.getAPathTo ( )
Returns the first path found to the given node.
Name: getAPathTo(node)
Parameters: node - MObject
Returns: MDagPath
Description: Returns the first path found to the given node.
def OpenMaya.MDagPath.getDisplayStatus ( )
Returns the display status for this path.
def OpenMaya.MDagPath.getDrawOverrideInfo ( )
Returns the draw override information for this path.
OpenMaya.MDagPath.getPath ( )
Returns the specified sub-path of this path.
Signature: getPath(pathNum=0)
Parameters: pathNum - int
Returns: MDagPath
Description: The pathNum'th sub-path of this path.
OpenMaya.MDagPath.hasFn ( )
Returns True if the object at the end of the path supports the given function set.
Signature: hasFn(type)
Parameters: type - MFn constant
Returns: bool
Description: Returns True if the object at the end of the path supports the function set represented by type.
OpenMaya.MDagPath.inclusiveMatrix ( )
Returns the matrix for all transforms in the path, including the end object, if it is a transform.
Signature: inclusiveMatrix()
Returns: MMatrix
Description: Returns the matrix for all transforms in the path, including the end object, if it is a transform.
OpenMaya.MDagPath.inclusiveMatrixInverse ( )
Returns the inverse of inclusiveMatrix().
Signature: inclusiveMatrixInverse()
Returns: MMatrix
Description: Returns the inverse of inclusiveMatrix().
OpenMaya.MDagPath.instanceNumber ( )
Returns the instance number of this path to the object at the end.
Signature: instanceNumber()
Returns: int
Description: Returns the instance number of this path to the object at the end.
OpenMaya.MDagPath.isInstanced ( )
Returns True if the object at the end of the path can be reached by more than one path.
Signature: isInstanced()
Returns: bool
Description: Returns True if the object at the end of the path can be reached by more than one path.
def OpenMaya.MDagPath.isTemplated ( )
Returns true if the DAG Node at the end of the path is templated.
OpenMaya.MDagPath.isValid ( )
Returns True if this is a valid path.
Signature: isValid()
Returns: bool
Description: True if this is a valid path.
def OpenMaya.MDagPath.isVisible ( )
Returns true if the DAG Node at the end of the path is visible.
OpenMaya.MDagPath.length ( )
Returns the number of nodes on the path, not including the DAG's root node.
Signature: length()
Returns: int
Description: Returns the number of nodes on the path, not including the DAG's root node.
def OpenMaya.MDagPath.matchTransform ( )
Do some new stuff.
OpenMaya.MDagPath.node ( )
Returns the DAG node at the end of the path.
Signature: node()
Returns: MObject
Description: Returns the DAG node at the end of the path.
OpenMaya.MDagPath.numberOfShapesDirectlyBelow ( )
Returns the number of shape nodes parented directly beneath the transform at the end of the path.
Signature: numberOfShapesDirectlyBelow()
Returns: int
Description: Returns the number of shape nodes parented directly beneath the transform at the end of the path. If the path does not end at a transform, or if the transform has no shape nodes directly beneath it, 0 will be returned.
OpenMaya.MDagPath.partialPathName ( )
Returns the minimum string representation which will uniquely identify the path.
Signature: partialPathName()
Returns: string
Description: Returns the minimum string representation which will uniquely identify the path.
OpenMaya.MDagPath.pathCount ( )
Returns the number of sub-paths which make up this path.
Signature: pathCount()
Returns: int
Description: Returns the number of sub-paths which make up this path.
OpenMaya.MDagPath.pop ( )
Removes objects from the end of the path.
Signature: pop(num=1)
Parameters: num - int
Returns: New reference to self.
Description: Removes num objects from the end of the path.
OpenMaya.MDagPath.push ( )
Extends the path to the specified child object, which must be parented directly beneath the object currently at the end of the path.
Signature: push(child)
Parameters: child - MObject
Returns: New reference to self.
Description: Extends the path to the specified child object, which must be parented directly beneath the object currently at the end of the path.
OpenMaya.MDagPath.set ( )
Replaces the current path held by this object with another.
Signature: set(path)
Parameters: path - MDagPath
Returns: New reference to self.
Description: Replaces the current path held by this object with that of path.
OpenMaya.MDagPath.transform ( )
Returns the last transform node on the path.
Signature: transform()
Returns: MObject
Description: Returns the last transform node on the path.