Python API 2.0 Reference
OpenMaya.MFloatVector Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for OpenMaya.MFloatVector:

Public Member Functions

def __add__ ()
def __delitem__ ()
def __eq__ ()
def __ge__ ()
def __getitem__ ()
def __gt__ ()
def __iadd__ ()
def __imul__ ()
def __init__ ()
def __isub__ ()
def __itruediv__ ()
def __le__ ()
def __len__ ()
def __lt__ ()
def __mul__ ()
def __ne__ ()
def __neg__ ()
def __radd__ ()
def __repr__ ()
def __rmul__ ()
def __rsub__ ()
def __rtruediv__ ()
def __rxor__ ()
def __setitem__ ()
def __str__ ()
def __sub__ ()
def __truediv__ ()
def __xor__ ()
def angle ()
def isEquivalent ()
def isParallel ()
def length ()
def normal ()
def normalize ()
def transformAsNormal ()

Static Public Member Functions

def __new__ ()

Static Public Attributes

float kTolerance = 9.999999747378752e-06
Common Vectors
tuple kOneVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MFloatVector(1, 1, 1)
tuple kXaxisVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MFloatVector(1, 0, 0)
tuple kXnegAxisVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MFloatVector(-1, 0, 0)
tuple kYaxisVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MFloatVector(0, 1, 0)
tuple kYnegAxisVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MFloatVector(0, -1, 0)
tuple kZaxisVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MFloatVector(0, 0, 1)
tuple kZeroVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MFloatVector(0, 0, 0)
tuple kZnegAxisVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MFloatVector(0, 0, -1)


 x = property(...)
 y = property(...)
 z = property(...)

Detailed Description

3D vector with single-precision coordinates.



Default constructor. Returns a new MFloatVector object initialized to the zero vector.

MFloatVector(src) src - MVector, MFloatVector, MPoint or MFloatPoint

Copy constructor. Returns a new MFloatVector object whose x, y and z coordinates are set to the x, y and z coordinates of src.

MFloatVector(seq) seq - sequence of two three floats

Returns a new MFloatVector object whose x, y and z coordinates are set to the elements of seq. If the sequence only contains two values, z will be set to 0.0.

MFloatVector(x, y, z=0.0) x - float
y - float
z - float

Returns a new MFloatVector object with the specified x, y and z coordinates.

Sequence Support

An MFloatVector is treated a sequence of three float values: [x, y, z].

len() returns 3.

Indexing and element assignment are supported.

Deletion, concatenation, repetition and slicing are not supported.

Number Support

MFloatVector = MFloatVector ^ MFloatVector

Cross product of two vectors.

float = MFloatVector * MFloatVector

Dot product of the two vectors.

MFloatVector = MFloatVector / scalar

Returns a new vector whose components are those of the given vector, each divided by scalar, which can be of any type which is convertable to float.

MFloatVector /= scalar

Divides each component of the vector by scalar, which can be of any type which is convertable to float, and returns a new reference to the vector.

MFloatVector = MFloatVector * scalar

Returns a new vector whose components are those of the given vector, each multiplied by scalar, which can be of any type which is convertable to float.

MFloatVector = scalar * MFloatVector

Returns a new vector whose components are those of the given vector, each multiplied by scalar, which can be of any type which is convertable to float.

MFloatVector *= scalar

Multiplies each component of the vector by scalar, which can be of any type which is convertable to float, and returns a new reference to the vector.

MFloatVector = MFloatVector * MFloatMatrix

Postmultiplying a vector by a matrix.

MFloatVector = MFloatMatrix * MFloatVector

Premultiplying a vector by a matrix.

MFloatVector *= MFloatMatrix

Postmultiplies the vector by the matrix and returns a new reference to the vector.

MFloatVector = MFloatVector + MFloatVector

Vector addition.

MFloatVector += MFloatVector

In-pace vector addition.

MFloatVector = -MFloatVector

Negate a vector.

MFloatVector = MFloatVector - MFloatVector

Vector subtraction.

MFloatVector -= MFloatVector

In-place vector subtraction.

Comparison Support

MFloatVector == MFloatVector Returns True if each component of the first vector is exactly equal to the corresponding component of the second.
MFloatVector != MFloatVector Returns False is any component of the first vector is not exactly equal to the corresponding component of the second.

All other comparison operators will raise a TypeError exception.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__init__ ( )
Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

Member Function Documentation

def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__add__ ( )
Return self+value.
def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__delitem__ ( )
Delete self[key].
def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__eq__ ( )
Return self==value.
def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__ge__ ( )
Return self>=value.
def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__getitem__ ( )
Return self[key].
def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__gt__ ( )
Return self>value.
def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__iadd__ ( )
Return self+=value.
def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__imul__ ( )
Return self*=value.
def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__isub__ ( )
Return self-=value.
def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__itruediv__ ( )
Return self/=value.
def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__le__ ( )
Return self<=value.
def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__len__ ( )
Return len(self).
def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__lt__ ( )
Return self<value.
def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__mul__ ( )
Return self*value.
def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__ne__ ( )
Return self!=value.
def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__neg__ ( )
def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__new__ ( )
Create and return a new object.  See help(type) for accurate signature.
def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__radd__ ( )
Return value+self.
def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__repr__ ( )
Return repr(self).
def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__rmul__ ( )
Return value*self.
def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__rsub__ ( )
Return value-self.
def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__rtruediv__ ( )
Return value/self.
def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__rxor__ ( )
Return value^self.
def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__setitem__ ( )
Set self[key] to value.
def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__str__ ( )
Return str(self).
def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__sub__ ( )
Return self-value.
def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__truediv__ ( )
Return self/value.
def OpenMaya.MFloatVector.__xor__ ( )
Return self^value.
OpenMaya.MFloatVector.angle ( )
Returns the angle, in radians, between this vector and another.
Signature: angle(other)
Parameters: other - MFloatVector
Returns: float
Description: Returns the angle, in radians, between this vector and other.
OpenMaya.MFloatVector.isEquivalent ( )
Returns True if this vector and another are within a given tolerance of being equal.
Signature: isEquivalent(other, tolerance=kTolerance)
Parameters: other - MFloatVector
tolerance - float
Returns: bool
Description: Returns True if this vector and other are within the given tolerance of being equal.
OpenMaya.MFloatVector.isParallel ( )
Returns True if this vector and another are within the given tolerance of being parallel.
Signature: isParallel(other, tolerance=kTolerance)
Parameters: other - MFloatVector
tolerance - float
Returns: bool
Description: Returns True if this vector and other are within the given tolerance of being parallel.
OpenMaya.MFloatVector.length ( )
Returns the magnitude of this vector.
Signature: length()
Returns: float
Description: Returns the magnitude of this vector.
OpenMaya.MFloatVector.normal ( )
Returns a new vector containing the normalized version of this one.
Signature: normal()
Returns: MFloatVector
Description: Returns a new vector containing the normalized version of this vector.
OpenMaya.MFloatVector.normalize ( )
Normalizes this vector in-place and returns a new reference to it.
Signature: normalize()
Returns: Reference to self
Description: Normalizes this vector in-place and returns a new reference to it.
OpenMaya.MFloatVector.transformAsNormal ( )
Returns a new vector which is calculated by postmultiplying this vector by the transpose of the given matrix and then normalizing the result.
Signature: transformAsNormal(matrix)
Parameters: matrix - MFloatMatrix
Returns: MFloatVector
Description: Returns a new vector which is calculated by postmultiplying this vector by the transpose of matrix and then normalizing it.

Member Data Documentation

OpenMaya.MFloatVector.kOneVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MFloatVector(1, 1, 1)
Name: kOneVector
Type: MFloatVector
Description: (1,1,1)
OpenMaya.MFloatVector.kTolerance = 9.999999747378752e-06
Name: kTolerance
Type: float
Description: Default tolerance used for inexact comparisons.
OpenMaya.MFloatVector.kXaxisVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MFloatVector(1, 0, 0)
Name: kXaxisVector
Type: MFloatVector
Description: (1,0,0)
OpenMaya.MFloatVector.kXnegAxisVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MFloatVector(-1, 0, 0)
Name: kXnegAxisVector
Type: MFloatVector
Description: (-1,0,0)
OpenMaya.MFloatVector.kYaxisVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MFloatVector(0, 1, 0)
Name: kYaxisVector
Type: MFloatVector
Description: (0,1,0)
OpenMaya.MFloatVector.kYnegAxisVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MFloatVector(0, -1, 0)
Name: kYnegAxisVector
Type: MFloatVector
Description: (0,-1,0)
OpenMaya.MFloatVector.kZaxisVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MFloatVector(0, 0, 1)
Name: kZaxisVector
Type: MFloatVector
Description: (0,0,1)
OpenMaya.MFloatVector.kZeroVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MFloatVector(0, 0, 0)
Name: kZeroVector
Type: MFloatVector
Description: (0,0,0)
OpenMaya.MFloatVector.kZnegAxisVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MFloatVector(0, 0, -1)
Name: kZnegAxisVector
Type: MFloatVector
Description: (0,0,-1)

Property Documentation

OpenMaya.MFloatVector.x = property(...)
 X coordinate
Name: x
Type: float
Access: RW
Description: X component.
OpenMaya.MFloatVector.y = property(...)
 Y coordinate
Name: y
Type: float
Access: RW
Description: Y component.
OpenMaya.MFloatVector.z = property(...)
 Z coordinate
Name: z
Type: float
Access: RW
Description: Z component.