Python API 2.0 Reference
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode:

Public Member Functions

def __init__ ()
def absoluteName ()
def addAttribute ()
def addExternalContentForFileAttr ()
def affectsAnimation ()
def attribute ()
def attributeClass ()
def attributeCount ()
def canBeWritten ()
def create ()
def dgCallbackIds ()
def dgCallbacks ()
def dgTimer ()
def dgTimerOff ()
def dgTimerOn ()
def dgTimerQueryState ()
def dgTimerReset ()
def findAlias ()
def findPlug ()
def getAffectedAttributes ()
def getAffectingAttributes ()
def getAliasAttr ()
def getAliasList ()
def getConnections ()
def getExternalContent ()
def hasAttribute ()
def hasUniqueName ()
def isFlagSet ()
def isNewAttribute ()
def isTrackingEdits ()
def name ()
def plugsAlias ()
def removeAttribute ()
def reorderedAttribute ()
def setAffectsAnimation ()
def setAlias ()
def setDoNotWrite ()
def setExternalContent ()
def setExternalContentForFileAttr ()
def setFlag ()
def setName ()
def setUuid ()
def uniqueName ()
def userNode ()
def uuid ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from OpenMaya.MFnBase
def __init__ ()
def hasObj ()
def object ()
def setObject ()
def type ()

Static Public Member Functions

def __new__ ()
def allocateFlag ()
def classification ()
def deallocateAllFlags ()
def deallocateFlag ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from OpenMaya.MFnBase
def __new__ ()

Static Public Attributes

int kTimerMetrics = 9
int kTimerTypes = 3
Attribute Classes
int kExtensionAttr = 3
int kInvalidAttr = 4
int kLocalDynamicAttr = 1
int kNormalAttr = 2
DG Timer States
int kTimerInvalidState = 3
int kTimerOff = 0
int kTimerOn = 1
int kTimerUninitialized = 2
DG Timer Metrics
int kTimerMetric_callback = 0
int kTimerMetric_callbackNotViaAPI = 6
int kTimerMetric_callbackViaAPI = 5
int kTimerMetric_compute = 1
int kTimerMetric_computeDuringCallback = 7
int kTimerMetric_computeNotDuringCallback = 8
int kTimerMetric_dirty = 2
int kTimerMetric_draw = 3
int kTimerMetric_fetch = 4
DG Timer Types
int kTimerType_count = 2
int kTimerType_inclusive = 1
int kTimerType_self = 0


 isDefaultNode = property(...)
 isFromReferencedFile = property(...)
 isLocked = property(...)
 isShared = property(...)
 namespace = property(...)
 pluginName = property(...)
 typeId = property(...)
 typeName = property(...)

Detailed Description

Function set for operating on dependency nodes.

Method resolution order:
-   MFnDependencyNode
-   MFnBase
-   builtins.object

Base Class



Signature Parameters Description

Default constructor. Returns a new MFnDependencyNode function set with no node attached.

MFnDependencyNode(node) object - MObject Returns a new MFnDependencyNode function set, attached to the specified Maya node.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.__init__ ( )
Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

Member Function Documentation

def OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.__new__ ( )
Create and return a new object.  See help(type) for accurate signature.
def OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.absoluteName ( )
Returns the absolute name of this node.  The absolute name of a node is the full namespace path starting at (and including) the root namespace, down to (and including) the node itself.  Regardless of relative name mode, absoluteName() will always return a full namespace path prefixed with a leading colon (the root namespace).  If the underlying node is a DAG node, then absoluteName() does not guarantee uniqueness, that is, two dependency nodes could have the same absoluteName().  In cases like this the uniqueName() method will guarantee that the name uniquely identifies the node.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.addAttribute ( )
Adds a new dynamic attribute to the node.
Signature: addAttribute(attribute)
Parameters: attribute - MObject
Returns: Reference to self.
Description: Adds a new dynamic attribute to the node.
def OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.addExternalContentForFileAttr ( )
Adds content info to the specified table from a file path attribute.
def OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.affectsAnimation ( )
Returns true if the changes to the node may affect animation.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.allocateFlag ( )
Allocates a flag on all nodes for use by the named plugin and returns the flag's index.
Name: allocateFlag(plugin)
Parameters: plugin - string
Returns: int
Description: Allocates a flag on all nodes for use by the named plugin. Returns the flag's index. Raises a ValueError if there are no unallocated node flags available.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.attribute ( )
Returns an attribute of the node, given either its index or name.
Signature: attribute(index)
Parameters: index - int
Returns: MObject
Description: Returns the node's index'th attribute, based on the order in which they were added to the node.
Signature: attribute(name)
Parameters: name - string
Returns: MObject
Description: Returns the attribute with the given name.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.attributeClass ( )
Returns the class of the specified attribute.
Signature: attributeClass(attribute)
Parameters: attribute - MObject
Returns: Attribute Class constant
Description: Returns the class of the specified attribute.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.attributeCount ( )
Returns the number of attributes on the node.
Signature: attributeCount()
Returns: int
Description: Returns the number of attributes on the node.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.canBeWritten ( )
Returns true if the node will be written to file.
Signature: canBeWritten()
Returns: bool
Description: Returns true if the node will be written to file.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.classification ( )
Returns the classification string for the named node type.
Name: classification(nodeType)
Parameters: nodeType - string
Returns: string
Description: Returns the classification string for the named nodeType.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.create ( )
Creates a new node of the given type.
Signature: create(typeId, nodeName=None)
Parameters: typeId - MTypeId
nodeName - string
Returns: MObject
Description: Creates a new node of the given type, using the nodeName provided, attaches it to the function set and returns it in an MObject. If no nodeName is given the node's type name will be used, followed by a number to ensure uniqueness.
Signature: create(typeName, nodeName=None)
Parameters: typeName - string
nodeName - string
Returns: MObject
Description: Creates a new node of the given type, using the nodeName provided, attaches it to the function set and returns it in an MObject. If no nodeName is given the node's type name will be used, followed by a number to ensure uniqueness.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.deallocateAllFlags ( )
Deallocates all node flags which are currently allocated to the named plugin.
Name: deallocateAllFlags(plugin)
Parameters: plugin - string
Returns: None
Description: Deallocates all node flags which are currently allocated to the named plugin.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.deallocateFlag ( )
Deallocates the specified node flag, which was previously allocated by the named plugin using allocateFlag().
Name: deallocateFlag(plugin, flag)
Parameters: plugin - string
flag - int
Returns: None
Description: Deallocates the specified node flag, which was previously allocated by the named plugin using allocateFlag().
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.dgCallbackIds ( )
Returns DG timing information for a specific callback type, broken down by callbackId.
Signature: dgCallbackIds(timerType, callbackName)
Parameters: timerType - DG Timer Type constant
callbackName - string
Returns: (MCallbackIdArray, MDoubleArray)
Description: Returns a tuple containing an array of callback ids as its first element and an array of doubles as its second element. These represent the callback timer values for the specified timerType and callbackName, separated out per callback ID.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.dgCallbacks ( )
Returns DG timing information broken down by callback type.
Signature: dgCallbacks(type)
Parameters: type - DG Timer Type constant
Returns: ([string, ...], MDoubleArray)
Description: Returns a tuple containing a list of callback type names as its first element and an array of doubles as its second element. These represent the callback timer values for the specified timer type, grouped by type of callback.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.dgTimer ( )
Returns a specific DG timer metric for a given timer type.
Signature: dgTimer(metric, type)
Parameters: metric - DG Timer Metric constant
type - DG Timer Type constant
Returns: float
Description: Returns the timer value for the given metric and type.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.dgTimerOff ( )
Turns DG timing off for this node.
Signature: dgTimerOff()
Returns: Reference to self
Description: Turns DG timing off for this node.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.dgTimerOn ( )
Turns DG timing on for this node.
Signature: dgTimerOn()
Returns: Reference to self
Description: Turns DG timing on for this node.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.dgTimerQueryState ( )
Returns the current DG timer state for this node.
Signature: dgTimerQueryState()
Returns: DG Timer State constant
Description: Returns the current DG timer state for this node.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.dgTimerReset ( )
Resets all DG timers for this node.
Signature: dgTimerReset()
Returns: Reference to self
Description: Resets all DG timers for this node.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.findAlias ( )
Returns the attribute which has the given alias.
Signature: findAlias(alias)
Parameters: alias - string
Returns: MObject
Description: Returns the attribute which has the given alias or MObject::kNullObj if none.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.findPlug ( )
Returns a plug for the given attribute.
Signature: findPlug(attr, wantNetworkedPlug)
Parameters: attr - string or MObject
wantNetworkedPlug - bool
Returns: MPlug
Description: Returns a plug for the given attribute, which may be specified either by name or by MObject.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.getAffectedAttributes ( )
Returns all of the attributes which are affected by the specified attribute.
Signature: getAffectedAttributes(attribute)
Parameters: attribute - MObject
Returns: MObjectArray
Description: Returns all of the attributes which are affected by the specified attribute.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.getAffectingAttributes ( )
Returns all of the attributes which affect the specified attribute.
Signature: getAffectingAttributes(attribute)
Parameters: attribute - MObject
Returns: MObjectArray
Description: Returns all of the attributes which affect the specified attribute.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.getAliasAttr ( )
Returns the node's alias attribute, which is a special attribute used to store information about the node's attribute aliases.
Signature: getAliasAttr(force)
Parameters: force - bool
Returns: MObject
Description: Returns the node's alias attribute, which is a special attribute used to store information about the node's attribute aliases.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.getAliasList ( )
Returns all of the node's attribute aliases.
Signature: getAliasList()
Returns: tuple of tuples of strings
Description: Returns all of the node's attribute aliases in a tuple. Each element of the tuple is itself a tuple containing a pair of strings representing the attribute's alias and its real name.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.getConnections ( )
Returns all the plugs which are connected to attributes of this node.
Signature: getConnections()
Returns: MPlugArray
Description: Returns all the plugs which are connected to attributes of this node.
def OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.getExternalContent ( )
Gets the external content (files) that this node depends on.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.hasAttribute ( )
Returns True if the node has an attribute with the given name.
Signature: hasAttribute(name)
Parameters: name - string
Returns: bool
Description: Returns True if the node has an attribute with the given name.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.hasUniqueName ( )
Returns True if the node's name is unique.
Signature: hasUniqueName()
Returns: bool
Description: Returns True if the node's name is unique.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.isFlagSet ( )
Returns the state of the specified node flag.
Signature: isFlagSet(flag)
Parameters: flag - int
Returns: bool
Description: Returns the state of the specified node flag, which must previously have been allocated by a call to allocateFlag().
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.isNewAttribute ( )
Returns True if the specified attribute was added in the current scene, and not by by one of its referenced files.
Signature: isNewAttribute(attribute)
Parameters: attribute - MObject
Returns: bool
Description: Returns True if the specified attribute was added in the current scene, and not by by one of its referenced files.
def OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.isTrackingEdits ( )
Returns True if the node is referenced or in an assembly that is tracking edits. ( )
Returns the node's name.
Signature: name()
Returns: string
Description: Returns the node's name.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.plugsAlias ( )
Returns the alias for a plug's attribute.
Signature: plugsAlias(plug)
Parameters: plug - MPlug
Returns: string
Description: Returns the alias for the plug's attribute or the empty string if that attribute has no alias.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.removeAttribute ( )
Removes a dynamic attribute from the node.
Signature: removeAttribute(attribute)
Parameters: attribute - MObject
Returns: Reference to self.
Description: Removes a dynamic attribute from the node.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.reorderedAttribute ( )
Returns one of the node's attribute, based on the order in which they are written to file.
Signature: reorderedAttribute(index)
Parameters: index - int
Returns: MObject
Description: Returns the node's index'th attribute, based on the order in which they are written to file.
def OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.setAffectsAnimation ( )
Specifies that modifications to a node could potentially affect the animation.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.setAlias ( )
Adds or removes an attribute alias.
Signature: setAlias(alias, attrName, plug, add=True)
Parameters: alias - string
attrName - string
plug - MPlug
add - bool
Returns: bool
Description: Adds or removes an attribute alias. Returns False if the alias to be added already exists, or if the alias to be removed does not exist.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.setDoNotWrite ( )
Used to prevent the node from being written to file.
Signature: setDoNotWrite(flag)
Parameters: flag - bool
Returns: Reference to self.
Description: Used to prevent the node from being written to file.
def OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.setExternalContent ( )
Changes the location of external content.
def OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.setExternalContentForFileAttr ( )
Sets content info in the specified attribute from the table.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.setFlag ( )
Sets the state of the specified node flag.
Signature: setFlag(flag, state)
Parameters: flag - int
state - bool
Returns: Reference to self
Description: Sets the state of the specified node flag, which must previously have been allocated by a call to allocateFlag().
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.setName ( )
Sets the node's name.
Signature: setName(name)
Parameters: name - string
Returns: string
Description: Sets the node's name. If there is a conflict with another node the name will be modified to make it unique. The name actually used is returned.
def OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.setUuid ( )
Sets the node's UUID.
def OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.uniqueName ( )
For a DAG node, the unique name of a node is the full namespace path starting at (and including) the root namespace, down to (and including) the node itself. For a non-DAG node, the uniqueName is just its name.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.userNode ( )
Returns the MPxNode object for a plugin node.
Signature: userNode()
Returns: MPxNode or None
Description: If the node is a plug-in node, its proxy object is returned, otherwise None is returned.
def OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.uuid ( )
Returns the node's UUID.

Member Data Documentation

OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.kExtensionAttr = 3
Name: kExtensionAttr
Type: int
Description: Dynamically added to all nodes of a given type, plus derived types.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.kInvalidAttr = 4
Name: kInvalidAttr
Type: int
Description: None of the above.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.kLocalDynamicAttr = 1
Name: kLocalDynamicAttr
Type: int
Description: Dynamically added to a specific node, after its creation.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.kNormalAttr = 2
Name: kNormalAttr
Type: int
Description: Part of node's definition.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.kTimerInvalidState = 3
Name: kTimerInvalidState
Type: int
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.kTimerMetric_callback = 0
Name: kTimerMetric_callback
Type: int
Description: Time spent within node callbacks for this node.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.kTimerMetric_callbackNotViaAPI = 6
Name: kTimerMetric_callbackNotViaAPI
Type: int
Description: Time spent in callbacks not registered through the API (i.e internal Maya callbacks). (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.kTimerMetric_callbackViaAPI = 5
Name: kTimerMetric_callbackViaAPI
Type: int
Description: Time spent in callbacks which were registered through the API. (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.kTimerMetric_compute = 1
Name: kTimerMetric_compute
Type: int
Description: Time spent within the compute method for this node.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.kTimerMetric_computeDuringCallback = 7
Name: kTimerMetric_computeDuringCallback
Type: int
Description: Time spent in this node's compute while executing node callbacks on any node.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.kTimerMetric_computeNotDuringCallback = 8
Name: kTimerMetric_computeNotDuringCallback
Type: int
Description: Time spent in this nodes compute when not executing any node callbacks on any nodes.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.kTimerMetric_dirty = 2
Name: kTimerMetric_dirty
Type: int
Description: Time spent propogating dirty messages from this node.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.kTimerMetric_draw = 3
Name: kTimerMetric_draw
Type: int
Description: Time spent drawing this node.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.kTimerMetric_fetch = 4
Name: kTimerMetric_fetch
Type: int
Description: Time spent fetching data from plugs.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.kTimerOff = 0
Name: kTimerOff
Type: int
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.kTimerOn = 1
Name: kTimerOn
Type: int
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.kTimerType_count = 2
Name: kTimerType_count
Type: int
Description: The number of operations that occurred.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.kTimerType_inclusive = 1
Name: kTimerType_inclusive
Type: int
Description: Time spent performing an operation including all time spent by child operations.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.kTimerType_self = 0
Name: kTimerType_self
Type: int
Description: Time spent performing an operation, not including any time spent by child operations.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.kTimerUninitialized = 2
Name: kTimerUninitialized
Type: int

Property Documentation

OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.isDefaultNode = property(...)
 True if this is a default node, created automatically by Maya.
Name: isDefaultNode
Type: bool
Access: R
Description: True if node is one of Maya's default nodes.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.isFromReferencedFile = property(...)
 True if the node is from a referenced file, False if the node is part of the main scene.
Name: isFromReferencedFile
Type: bool
Access: R
Description: True if node is from a referenced file.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.isLocked = property(...)
 True if the node is locked against changes.
Name: isLocked
Type: bool
Access: RW
Description: True if node is locked against changes.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.isShared = property(...)
 True if the node is shared.
Name: isShared
Type: bool
Access: R
Description: True if node is shared.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.namespace = property(...)
 Name of the namespace which contains the node.
Name: namespace
Type: string
Access: R
Description: Namespace in which node resides.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.pluginName = property(...)
 Name of the plugin which registered the node type, if any.
Name: pluginName
Type: string
Access: R
Description: Name of plugin which supplies the node type.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.typeId = property(...)
 MTypeId for the node's type.
Name: typeId
Type: MTypeId
Access: R
Description: Node's type id.
OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode.typeName = property(...)
 Name of the node's type.
Name: typeName
Type: string
Access: R
Description: Node's type name.