Python API 2.0 Reference
OpenMaya.MFnPlugin Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for OpenMaya.MFnPlugin:

Public Member Functions

def __init__ ()
def deregisterAttributePatternFactory ()
def deregisterContextCommand ()
def deregisterData ()
def deregisterDragAndDropBehavior ()
def deregisterNode ()
def registerAttributePatternFactory ()
def registerContextCommand ()
def registerData ()
def registerDragAndDropBehavior ()
def registerNode ()
def registerShape ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from OpenMaya.MFnBase
def __init__ ()
def hasObj ()
def object ()
def setObject ()
def type ()

Static Public Member Functions

def __new__ ()
def findPlugin ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from OpenMaya.MFnBase
def __new__ ()

Available in Maya 2012 Gold:

 version = property(...)
def apiVersion ()
def deregisterCommand ()
def loadPath ()
def name ()
def registerCommand ()
def setName ()
def vendor ()

Detailed Description

Register and deregister plug-in services with Maya.

Method resolution order:
-   MFnPlugin
-   MFnBase
-   builtins.object

Base Class



Signature Parameters Description
Available in Maya 2012 Gold:

Default constructor. Returns a new MFnPlugin function set with no Maya object attached.

MFnPlugin(plugin, vendor='Unknown', version='Unknown', apiVersion='Any') plugin - MObject
vendor - string
version - string
apiVersion - string

Attaches the function set to the specified plugin object, which is provided as a parameter to the plugin's initializePlugin() and uninitializePlugin() functions, and specifies an optional vendor name, plugin version string and minimal required Maya apiVersion (which is currently ignored).


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def OpenMaya.MFnPlugin.__init__ ( )
Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

Member Function Documentation

def OpenMaya.MFnPlugin.__new__ ( )
Create and return a new object.  See help(type) for accurate signature.
OpenMaya.MFnPlugin.apiVersion ( )
Return the API version required by the plug-in.
Signature: apiVersion()
Returns: string
Description: Return the API version required by the plug-in.
def OpenMaya.MFnPlugin.deregisterAttributePatternFactory ( )
Deregister a user defined attribute pattern factory type from Maya.
OpenMaya.MFnPlugin.deregisterCommand ( )
Deregister a user defined command from Maya.
Signature: deregisterCommand(cmdName)
Parameters: cmdName - string
Returns: Reference to self.
Description: Deregister a user defined command from Maya.
def OpenMaya.MFnPlugin.deregisterContextCommand ( )
Deregister a user defined context command from Maya.
def OpenMaya.MFnPlugin.deregisterData ( )
Deregister a user defined data type from Maya.
def OpenMaya.MFnPlugin.deregisterDragAndDropBehavior ( )
Deregister a user defined drag and drop behavior from Maya.
def OpenMaya.MFnPlugin.deregisterNode ( )
Deregister a user defined dependency node from Maya.
def OpenMaya.MFnPlugin.findPlugin ( )
Returns an MObject corresponding to the named plugin.
OpenMaya.MFnPlugin.loadPath ( )
Return the full path name of the file from which the plug-in was loaded.
Signature: loadPath()
Returns: string
Description: Return the full path name of the file from which the plug-in was loaded. ( )
Return the plug-in's name.
Signature: name()
Returns: string
Description: Return the plug-in's name.
def OpenMaya.MFnPlugin.registerAttributePatternFactory ( )
Register a new attribute pattern factory type with Maya.
OpenMaya.MFnPlugin.registerCommand ( )
Register a new command with Maya.
Signature: registerCommand(cmdName, createCmdFunc, createSyntaxFunc=None)
Parameters: cmdName - string
createCmdFunc - Python callable
createSyntaxFunc - Python callable
Description: Register a new command with Maya. createCmdFunc is a Python callable which takes no arguments and returns a new instance of the MPxCommand-derived class. createSyntaxFunc is a Python callable which takes no arguments and returns an MSyntax object initialized with the command's syntax.
def OpenMaya.MFnPlugin.registerContextCommand ( )
Register a new context command with Maya.  Once registered, the context
can be used to create a new tool that can be used in a manner
identical to built-in Maya tools.
def OpenMaya.MFnPlugin.registerData ( )
Register a new data type with Maya.
def OpenMaya.MFnPlugin.registerDragAndDropBehavior ( )
Register a new drag and drop behavior with Maya.
Once registered, the new behavior can be used to finish connections between node drag and drops from the hyperGraph/hyperShade to other nodes or Maya UI.
def OpenMaya.MFnPlugin.registerNode ( )
Register a new dependency node with Maya.
def OpenMaya.MFnPlugin.registerShape ( )
Register a new user defined shape node with Maya.
To deregister the shape node use the MFnPlugin.deregisterNode().
OpenMaya.MFnPlugin.setName ( )
Set the plug-in's name.
Signature: setName(name, makeUnique=True)
Parameters: name - string
makeUnique - bool
Returns: Reference to self.
Description: Set the plug-in's name. If another plug-in is already using name and makeUnique is True then Maya will choose a unique name for the plug-in, otherwise a RuntimeError will be raised.
OpenMaya.MFnPlugin.vendor ( )
Return the plug-in's vendor string.
Signature: vendor()
Returns: string
Description: Return the plug-in's vendor string.

Property Documentation

OpenMaya.MFnPlugin.version = property(...)
 Plug-in version string.
Name: version
Type: string
Access: RW
Description: Plug-in version string.