Python API 2.0 Reference
OpenMayaAnim.MAnimMessage Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for OpenMayaAnim.MAnimMessage:

Static Public Member Functions

def addAnimCurveEditedCallback ()
def addAnimKeyframeEditCheckCallback ()
def addAnimKeyframeEditedCallback ()
def addDisableImplicitControlCallback ()
def addNodeAnimKeyframeEditedCallback ()
def addPostBakeResultsCallback ()
def addPreBakeResultsCallback ()
def flushAnimKeyframeEditedCallbacks ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from OpenMaya.MMessage
def currentCallbackId ()
def nodeCallbacks ()
def removeCallback ()
def removeCallbacks ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from OpenMaya.MMessage
int kDefaultAction = 0
int kDoAction = 2
int kDoNotDoAction = 1

Detailed Description

Class used to register callbacks for anim related messages.

Method resolution order:
-   MAnimMessage
-   OpenMaya.MMessage
-   builtins.object

Member Function Documentation

def OpenMayaAnim.MAnimMessage.addAnimCurveEditedCallback ( )
addAnimCurveEditedCallback(function, clientData=None) -> id

This method registers a callback that is called whenever an
AnimCurve is edited.

 * function - callable which will be passed a MObjectArray object containing
   an array of AnimCurves which have been edited, and the clientData object
 * clientData - User defined data passed to the callback function

 * return: Identifier used for removing the callback.
def OpenMayaAnim.MAnimMessage.addAnimKeyframeEditCheckCallback ( )
addAnimKeyframeEditCheckCallback(function, clientData=None) -> id

This method registers a callback that is used by the setKeyframe command
to allow a user to consider the set keyframe request and cancel it if
needed. The callback method should return False to abort the keyframe

 * function - callable which will be passed a MPlug indicating the
   plug being keyframed and the clientData object.
   Return False to abort the keyframe action, otherwise return True
 * clientData - User defined data passed to the callback function

 * return: Identifier used for removing the callback.
def OpenMayaAnim.MAnimMessage.addAnimKeyframeEditedCallback ( )
addAnimKeyframeEditedCallback(function, clientData=None) -> id

This method registers a callback that is called whenever an
a group of keys are modified.  The callback is invoked once per
atomic change to single or group of keyframes. For example, if
a user selects a group 5 of keys and moves them 5 units in the value
axis, then a single callback event will be invoked with a MObject
for each of the 5 keyframes.  The MObjects can then be used in the
MFnKeyframeDelta function set. Refer to MFnKeyframeDelta function set
documentation for more info.

 * function - callable which will be passed a MObjectArray object containing
   an array of keyframes that were edited, and the clientData object
 * clientData - User defined data passed to the callback function

 * return: Identifier used for removing the callback.
def OpenMayaAnim.MAnimMessage.addDisableImplicitControlCallback ( )
addDisableImplicitControlCallback(function, clientData=None) -> id

This method registers a callback that is called from bakeResults
command after baking operation is completed, if disableImplicitControl
is enabled. One example usage of this callback is to create the anim curve
that is used to drive Maya rigidbody's bakeSimulationIndex, which defines
if the rigid body should take its input from anim curve or rigid body 

 * function - callable which will be passed a MPlugArray containing the baked plugs
   (they can be replaced but must have the same number of plugs), a MDGModifier used
   if bakeResults command is undone or redone and the clientData object.
 * clientData - User defined data passed to the callback function

 * return: Identifier used for removing the callback.
def OpenMayaAnim.MAnimMessage.addNodeAnimKeyframeEditedCallback ( )
addNodeAnimKeyframeEditedCallback(animNode, function, clientData=None) -> id

This method registers a callback that is called whenever an a
group of keys are modified.  The callback is invoked once per
atomic change to single or group of keyframes on the specified
animation curve node. For example, if a user selects a group 5
of keys and moves them 5 units in the value axis, then a single
callback event will be invoked with a MObject for each of the 5
keyframes.  The MObjects can then be used in the MFnKeyframeDelta
function set. Refer to MFnKeyframeDelta function set documentation
for more info.

 * animNode (MObject) - the param curve node you want to watch.
 * function - callable which will be passed a MObject indicating the
   edited animation node, a MObjectArray containing an array of keyframes
   that were edited and the clientData object.
 * clientData - User defined data passed to the callback function

 * return: Identifier used for removing the callback.
def OpenMayaAnim.MAnimMessage.addPostBakeResultsCallback ( )
addPostBakeResultsCallback(function, clientData=None) -> id

This method registers a callback that is called from bakeResults
command after the simulation. If the plugArray is replaced, then
the anim curves created from baking will be connected to the new

 * function - callable which will be passed a MPlugArray containing the baked
   plugs to which the resulting anim curves will be connected (they can be
   replaced but must have the same number of plugs),a MDGModifier used if
   bakeResults command is undone or redone and the clientData object.
 * clientData - User defined data passed to the callback function

 * return: Identifier used for removing the callback.
def OpenMayaAnim.MAnimMessage.addPreBakeResultsCallback ( )
addPreBakeResultsCallback(function, clientData=None) -> id

This method registers a callback that is called from bakeResults
command before the simulation. One example usage is handle the runup to
the first frame in a dynamic system. If plugArray is set to zero
length in the callback, the baking will be aborted.

 * function - callable which will be passed a MPlugArray containing the plugs
   to be baked (they can be replaced but must have the same number of plugs)
   ,a MDGModifier used if bakeResults command is undone or redone and the
   clientData object.
 * clientData - User defined data passed to the callback function

 * return: Identifier used for removing the callback.
def OpenMayaAnim.MAnimMessage.flushAnimKeyframeEditedCallbacks ( )
flushAnimKeyframeEditedCallbacks() -> None

Animation keyframe edited callbacks are queued to only be issued on an
idle event. There may be times when it is desired to issue the callback
at a specific time. This method provides this functionality. It will
flush all animation keyframe edited callbacks and force them to issue
their callbacks with the data contained within.