Matching options

To open the Matching Options

Use the Matching Options to match clips to each other. When you match two clips, the match object of a clip is aligned with the same object of the clip before or after it on the track. For information on how to match clips, see Match poses with the Time Editor Relocators.

When you manipulate clips in an animation sequence with the Time Editor, you can use clip matching options to automatically align clips based on a specified object. Therefore, clips must be located side by side on the same track.

See Pose matching best practices for tips on creating effective pose matches.

Matching Object

Use the Matching Object menu to select which part of the track content to use for the clip match. Click next to the list to replace the default object with selected objects.

Root Objects
Lets you set root objects other than the default assignment. By default, the Use root objects in clip section contains root objects that are found in the roster of the clip.
If you want to set root objects other than the default, turn off Use root objects in clip and choose objects that are better suited for the match. Click next to the list to replace the default object with the selected objects. You can select roots objects directly in the Viewport or Outliner with the button to add custom roots to the list.
Note: Root object(s) should be the joints/controllers that move the character global position. See Pose matching best practices.
Matching Clip

The Match Clip options in the Match Options dialog box lets you select to which clip you are matching.

The selected clip is matched to the clip before it on the track
Matches the selected clip the clip after it on the track.
Matching Time
The Match Time options let you select at which point of a cross-blend the selected clip is matched.
Note: When you match clips, the selected clip is the one that plays in the viewport.

The Match Time menu contains the following options:

Current Frame
Matches the start of the selected clip to the previous clip at the current time.
End of First Clip
Matches the start of the selected clip to the end of the first clip. When there is no cross-blend between clips, the start of the selected clip is matched to the end of the previous clip.
Inbetween Clips
Matches the selected clip and the previous clip at the middle of the blend. When there is no cross-blend between clips, the start of the selected clip is matched to the end of the previous clip.
Start of Second Clip
Matches the end of the selected clip to the start of the second clip.
Matching Pose
The Matching Pose options let you determine if and how a clip's match object is translated and rotated to match another clip's animation, by selecting None, Full XYZ, or Projected along GlobalY (Gravity).
Ignores transformation value considerations when matching clips.
Full (XYZ)
Translates or rotates a selected clip's match object to the same location or orientation as the previous clip's match object.
Projected along GlobalY (Gravity)

Gravity works best when you are matching poses between the same character. Matching poses between characters of different sizes may produce undesirable results, causing the feet of the target character to lift into the air to match the pose of the larger character. For best results, disable Projected along GlobalY (Gravity) when matching poses between different-sized characters.

You can also disable the Gravity option if you are matching poses in a situation where you want the character’s feet to remain in the air. When Gravity is disabled, you can achieve a perfect match without respect to the floor.

Up Axis
If your pipeline is configured for using Z as your up-vector, turn off Use Scene Preferences to override the Maya defaults (set in the Preferences window) so you can define a custom up vector for matching. Enter your specific values in the fields below. (See World Coordinate System in the Settings preferences.)
Note: These changes apply only to the Time Editor.
Transform Offset
Displays the match object values changing if you click Apply.