Playblasting shots in the Camera Sequencer creates a movie clip of the shot’s camera over the entire shot range. By default, the movie is automatically posted to an image plane on the shot’s camera.
By default, playblasted movies are saved to your Movie project location. (This is set in the Project Window.) If there are multiple directories set in the Movie project location, Maya uses the first location listed. You can also change the Directory in the Playblast Shot Options or Playblast Sequence Options to change where movie files are saved.
To playblast a shot
The shot is rendered out to a clip. A movie indicator appears at the bottom of the shot.
To playblast all shots in a track
The sequence is rendered out to a movie clip.
To playblast a sequence
All shots are rendered into a single movie. Whether an individual shot contributes to the movie depends on how the shots overlap each other.
The output movie is not associated with any particular shot and is not attached to the image plane for any camera.
To search for image planes, you must add the –shapes flag so that the imagePlaneShape node appears in the list.
string $fps[] = `listConnections -shapes 1 ($shot + ".clip")`;