Pin the custom pivot

In custom pivot editing mode, edits to the pivot's position and axis orientation are reset each time you select a different component. Pinning a custom pivot locks your edits in place, letting you use the same custom pivot to transform components on the same mesh or on another mesh.

To pin the custom pivot

  1. Activate custom pivot editing mode.
  2. Edit the pivot point.
    Note: Pivot pinning is only available when a custom pivot has been set.
  3. Do one of the following to pin the custom pivot:
    • Hold the D key, right-click in your scene and select Pin Component Pivot.
    • Select Pin Component Pivot in the Tool Settings for any of the transform tools.

      Pivot pinning remains locked during component selection changes, object selection changes, and when you switch to Object selection mode.

To remove pivot pinning

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Right-click in your scene and select Pin Component Pivot.
    • Select Pin Component Pivot in the Tool Settings for any of the transform tools.
    • Note: The custom pivot is automatically reset when pinning is disabled.

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